TB 9-2300-247-40
plate repair methods are used (paragraph ),
5/8 inch diameter drilled holes may be
Washers. Washers shall be new, case
required for the bolted connections.
hardened steel type. Washers shall be
provided under all bolt heads and under all
Bolting Materials.
locknuts to adequately distribute over the
maximum bearing surface area of the
No. 8, carbon steel, UNF,
conforming to SAE (TBD)
Nuts. Steel, self-locking, UNF, MS51922.
specific vehicle TM for the vehicle frame proposed for
Welding is not an approved or
5-Ton Series Vehicle. Welding of 5-ton series
acceptable alternate method of repair
vehicle heat-treated steel frames shall be by the electric
for any riveted or bolted attachment
arc method and shall be limited to the use electrodes
(e.g., crossmember, spring hanger,
conforming to MIL-312 of the American Welding Society
etc.) on the frame assembly of the
(AWS), AWS-A5 in sizes of 3/32 -in., 1/8- in., and 5/32-
CUCV series vehicles.
in, diameters as applicable. In cases where it becomes
necessary to weld two reinforcing members which are
3/4 Ton to 2-1/2 Ton Series Vehicles.
adjacent to a heat-treated member, a small spacer will
The electric arc welding method is recommended when
be positioned and secured between the members to
welding is used to repair frames of in the 3/4, 1-1/4 to 2-
prevent the transfer of heat generated by welding to and
1/2-ton series classification. With this welding method,
from penetrating into the heat-treated members.
heat generated during welding is localized and burning of
Specific welding instructions for 5-ton series vehicle
the materials is kept to a minimum. Finished welds may
frames are contained in paragraph.
be ground, filed, and drilled as necessary. When
available, welding electrodes conforming to MIL-E-7018,
Flaseplating. Unless otherwise stated herein,
Class 1 should be used with the electric arc welding
only hot or cold-rolled steel plate will be used for
during repair of these frames. When these electrodes
flaseplating. Material used for flaseplating shall, in all
are not available, refer to TM 9-237 for an acceptable
cases, be equal to the thickness of the plate or vehicle
substitute. Prepare sketches of the proposed repair, in
framing member requiring repair. Where necessary, a
accordance with standard shop practices, in accordance
tolerance of plus or minus 1/16-inch of the required
with sketches from the appropriate vehicle TM or as
thickness will be acceptable. The length of the material
shown in Chapter 3 of this manual.
When the
used for flaseplating will be determined by the type and
reinforcement has been shaped as shown in the
location of the break to be repaired. In all cases
sketches and clamped into position, apply welds only at
however, a flaseplate reinforcing member should extend
the points shown on the sketches. Generally, welding is
far enough on all sides of the break in the framing
not recommended at the extreme corners of a channel
member to reflect standard acceptable mechanical
framing member or its flanges. Welding at these
practices and that strength of the reinforcement is, at a
locations tend to encourage the development of new
minimum, equal to the original strength and serviceability
cracks in these locations. For specific welding repairs
of the frame.
for 3/4, 1-1/4 to 2-1/2 ton vehicle frames, refer to the
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