![]() TB 9-1430-1533-40-1
a. Drain the entire HIPIR glycol cooling system.
11. Final Rinse:
b. Ensure that the liquid cooler filter assembly is
cleaned as directed in TM 9-1430-1533-12-1.
Prior to this step, the Dummy Load
Recover coolant that may drain from
the coolant line fittings as soon as
Dispose of the coolant in accordance
with local safety regulations.
been purged, except for the final
distilled water and Glycol rinse.
13. HIPIR Cooling System Cleaning.
a. Disconnect the output hose (2, figure 6) from the
a. Disconnect the output hose (2, figure 7) from the
liquid cooler unit and install a quick disconnect P/N
liquid cooler unit and install a quick disconnect P/N
10105417-1 to the hose and connect the hose to the
10105417-1 to the hose and connect the hose to the
purging manifold (1, figure 6).
purging manifold (1, figure 6).
b. Connect a jumper hose from the liquid cooler
b. Connect a jumper hose from the liquid cooler
unit output (3, figure 6) to the purging manifold (1, figure
unit output (3, figure 7) to the purging manifold (1, figure
c. Disconnect the output hose (5, figure 6) from the
c. Disconnect the output hose (5, figure 6) from the
liquid cooler filter and connect it to the purging manifold
liquid cooler filter and connect it to the purging manifold,
(1, figure 6).
(1, figure 6).
d. Disconnect the input hose (4, figure 6) from the
d. Disconnect the input hose (4, figure 6) from the
liquid cooler filter assembly and connect the hose using
liquid cooler filter assembly and connect the hose using
special adapter (figure 6) to the secondary #10 filter
special adapter (P/N 10105425-1) to a tapwater source.
output (figure 5).
e. Connect a jumper hose from the manifold output
e. Connect the #10 filter input (figure 6) to the
(1, figure 6) to the inline-inspection housing. Turn on the
pump pressure line.
tapwater source and allow it to run until clear water is
f. Connect the pump return to the purging manifold
observed in the inspection housing.
and the distilled water reservoir #4 return (Top
f. Disconnect the hose from the tapwater source
connection) and connect the pump input to the distilled
and connect to the #10 filter output (figure 5). Connect
water reservoir #4 output.
the #10 filter input to the pump output and connect the
g. Turn on the pump for 30 minutes. Stop the
pump input to reservoir #2 output (hot soapy water).
pump and press the air release valve to empty the tank
g. Disconnect the manifoldjumper hose from the in-
(figure 7). Drain the tank.
line inspection housing.
h. Disconnect the Pressure and Return line from
h. Connect the pump return and reservoir #2 return
the #4 reservoir and connect them respectively to Glycol
("T" connection) to the manifold.
reservoir #5 input and drain connection. Start the pump
i. Switch on the pump and allow to run for 15
and let it run for 30 minutes.
i. Stop the pump, disconnect all external hoses
j. Stop off the pump and connect the station as
and reconnect all internal hoses to the respective
instructed in steps d and e.
connections. Remove the coolant tank reservoir cover
k. Start on the pump and allow it to run till clear
and insure that the reservoir is full.
water is observed in the inspection housing.
12. Preparation for Cleaning the HIPIR Cooling
Deenergize the HIPIR and disconnect
the power cable.
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