SB 740-91-01
(4) The test voltage shall be applied and removed at a rate not exceeding 500 volts per second. As an option, the
voltage may be applied or removed instantaneously by switching the secondary of the high voltage transformer.
(5) Reject wiring which fails withstand voltage test. Failed wiring is that which exhibits any of the following:
(a) Voltage breakdown (puncture)
(b) Flashover
(c) Excessive current based on testing of similar wire, or increasing test current
(d) Excessive in-phase current.
c. Insulation Resistance.
(1) Perform an insulation resistance test on all assembled wiring. Test voltage shall be within the range of 200
to 1000 volts dc and shall be applied between each wire and all other wires and shields in the wire bundle
electrically connected together. The time of electrification shall be one minute, maximum.
(2) The minimum acceptable insulation resistance is 100 megohms, except as noted in (3) and (4) below.
(3) Testing shall be done at temperatures below 100 F. If wiring is tested above 82'F, the minimum acceptable
resistance requirement (100 megohms) shall be reduced by 2 percent for every Fahrenheit degree above
820F. If wiring is tested at a temperature below 60'F, the minimum acceptable resistance requirement (100
megohms) shall be increased by 2 percent for every Fahrenheit degree below 600F.
(4) Allowance may be made to compensate for the electrical characteristics of test instrumentation and wiring
(test leads and adapter harness).
(5) Reject wiring which does not meet the insulation resistance requirements.
5Wiring With Connectors.
a. Continuity. Perform continuity test per paragraph 4.a.
b. Withstand Voltage. Perform withstand voltage test per paragraph 4.b.
c. Insulation Resistance.
(1) The test voltage for performing insulation resistance tests shall be within the range of 200 to 1000 volts dc
and shall be applied between each wire and all other wires and shields in the cable assembly electrically
connected together to connector shell(s). The time of electrification shall be one minute maximum.
(2) The insulation resistance must exceed the values given in the following table except as noted in (3) and (4)
below. For cable/wiring assemblies over 100 ft in length, the insulation resistance requirement shall be
divided by each multiple of 100 ft of their length.
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