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TM 11-6625-542-14-1
grid, the output voltage will be returned to its established
R181. This voltage is then fed through cathode-follower
value of +225 volts.  Capacitor C136 is included to
V393A in order to present a low impedance source.
improve the response-time of the circuit to sudden
Capacitor C170 filters the -15 volts output.
changes in output voltage. The screen grid of V124 is
5-8. Oscillator and Multipliers
connected to the unregulated power source through
R121; therefore a small ripple voltage will appear at the
The oscillator is a conventional electron-coupled, crystal-
screen. This ripple will be amplified through V124 and
controlled oscillator.
The oscillator is designed to
fed to both the grid and the plate of V107A. Because the
generate a nonsinusoidal rf voltage at a frequency of 1
grid and plate voltages are 180 out of phase, a
megacycle. The crystal is incorporated in the oscillator
cancellation of the ripple voltage occurs at the cathode.
circuit to maintain a constant frequency within a
Thus, the ripple on the +225 volt bus is reduced to a
tolerance of +10 cycles.  The crystal is installed in a
negligible value.
thermostatically controlled oven to minimize frequency
5-6. +350 Volts Supply
drift. Adjustable capacitor C205, connected across the
The +350 volts supply is fed from a secondary winding
crystal, permits slight adjustments to be made in
across terminals 7 and 8 of T101. This supply functions
oscillator frequency. The output waveform from the plate
the same way as the +225 supply. The rectified, filtered
of V200B is fed to the grid of V204B through C210 and to
output from the 115 volts ac secondary winding is added
the grid of V200A through RC network R203, C203. The
to the input of the + 225 volts supply to furnish the power
RC network is incorporated to increase the risetime of
required for the +350 volts regulator.
the signal on the grid of isolating cathode-follower V200A
so there is coincidence of pulses on the grid of V204B
5-7. Bias Voltages
and V200A.
Conventional voltage amplifier V204B
Bias voltages for the electron tubes are derived from the
provides a voltage gain of about two and one-half times
--150 volts supply. A voltage-dividing network consisting
the input voltage.  Inductor L207 is a peaking device
of R174 and R176 across the output of the --150 volts
incorporated to improve the risetime of the output
supply drops the voltage at the junction of the two
resistors to -8 volts. Capacitor C174 filters this output.
The --15 volts supply is set by voltage divider R180,
Figure 5-3 Oscillator and multiplier, schematic diagram.
(Located in back of manual)
operates when any one of the SINE WAVE pushbutton
5-9. Amplifier and Cathode Follower
switches is actuated.
Triode V204A is biased at cutoff by voltage divider R213
10 MC Multiplier
and R214. Coupling capacitor C216, in conjunction with
L116, forms a differentiating circuit which shapes the
The grid circuit of V234 is inductively coupled to the plate
output wave of V204B into sharp pulses on the grid of
tank circuit of the 5-megacycle multiplier through the rf
V204A. The positive pulses are taken from the cathode
transformer described above.
The grid circuit is
as 1-microsecond markers. The output is then fed to
composed of L227, C227 and C229 and forms a series-
S710 and to the 5-megacycle sine wave multiplier.
resonant circuit tuned to 10 megacycles. This signal is
amplified by V234 and fed to the tuned plate circuit.
5 MC Multiplier
Inductor L234 is the primary of an rf transformer and is
Capacitor C222 and resistor R222 develop a grid-leak
tuned to 10 megacycles. Like the 5-megacycle circuit
bias of -4 volts. This if sufficient to operate V224 as a
described above, the secondary (L237) of the rf
class C amplifier.  The plate tank circuit of V204B
transformer is tuned to a multiple of the primary
resonates at 5 megacycles. Inductors L224 and L227
frequency (in this instance 50 megacycles) and is
are the primary and secondary, respectively, of an rf
sustained by it.  Like the 5-megacycle signal, the 10-
transformer. Inductor L227 resonates at a multiple of the
megacycle signal is link-coupled to the output switch.
primary frequency (10 megacycles) and is sustained by
The 10-megacycle multiplier operates only when the 10
the primary excitation.  The 5-megacycle sine wave
MC or 50 MC pushbutton is actuated.
developed across the tank circuit of V224 is link-coupled
to output switch S710.  The 5-megacycle multiplier

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