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(1) Following the circuit path from the AMME
marked LINE and EQUIP. Both monitor jacks are
isolated by 16K resistors from the communication
to the modem through the patch module, there is a
lines to reduce any possible loading from monitoring
separate 12-wire connector for the wires from the
AMME, a normal through jack (marked COMP),
(2) Patching for this module is the same as the
another normal through jack (marked MODEM), to
2-wire audio module explained above, that is, a 2-
a separate connector for the 12 wires to the modem.
wire patch cord set into a normal through jack to
A 12-wire jack, marked MON, is also connected to
break the communication line and reroute it to a new
the circuit for monitoring purposes.
(2) During patching operations, one end of a
d. Hi Level DC Patch Modules. The high level dc
patch cord connected to the COMP jack breaks the
patch module is used to patch the high level (120
through connection to the MODEM jack and puts
vdc) teletype signals (output of the DLIU) The
the lines from the AMME in series with the patch
patch module is configured similar to the other 2-
cord. The other end of the patch cord transfers the
wire patch modules; that is, four vertical jacks for
wires to another circuit which would be connected to
the MODEM jack. The connection into the MODEM
each circuit, 24 circuits to the module
(1) Following the line connections to the
jack disconnects the through circuit connection and
puts the patch cord in series connection to the
equipment connections on the diagram (fig. 5-1D),
an arrangement different from the ones previously
b. 2-Wire Audio Module. The 2-wire audio module
encountered is found. One wire of each circuit pair is
is used in the vf entrance jack field. A module
muted through a monitor jack before connecting to
handles twenty-four 2-wire circuits, using four 2-
the normal through patch jacks. In this case each
wire jacks arranged vertically for each 2-wire circuit.
monitoring jack (MON) is connected in series with
There are two normal through and two monitor jacks
the lines rather than as before, in parallel.
for each 2-wire circuit. A duplex circuit uses two
(2) The patching principal for this module is the
vertical jack sets; one for the transmit line and one
same as previously encountered. The patch cord
for the receive line.
inserted into the normal through jack breaks the
(1) A 2-wire line connected to pins 1 and 2 on Cl
circuit and the patch cord is used to transpose the
(fig. 5-1B), proceeds through the equipment as
wires to another circuit number. Monitoring,
follows: from Cl to the LINE jack; from the LINE
however, is entirely different because instead of a
jack to C2 where it is looped around by P1; from C2
parallel connection, a series one is used. The series
to the EQUIP jack: and then from the EQUIP jack
connection provides a means of connecting a dc
to the equipment side of the line at Cl. Two jacks,
milliammeter in series with the line for measuring
marked MON, are used for monitoring lines con-
and setting the telegraph current.
nected to the equipment and the line jacks.
5-3. Major Alarm Panel
(2) For patching, a 2-wire patch cord is used for
The major alarm panel operates as an indicator for
each transmit and receive line. Connecting to the
remote troubles and centralized, within a single
LINE jack, the patch cord is in series with the line
panel, alarm controls for up to 45 alarm circuits.
side of the patch panel and the equipment side of the
Each alarm circuit condition is displayed by a
patch panel is disconnected by action of the LINE
lighted segment of the front panel, which is also a
jack. To transfer the line to another circuit's
switch used for removing the audio alarm. Each item
equipment line, the second end of the patch cord is
which provides an alarm input to the alarm panel can
inserted into the EQUIP jack of that circuit. This
be designated a major alarm The major alarm
disconnects the line from the equipment in that
conditions are displayed in different colors.
circuit and completes the patch.
a. Considering first the external circuits which
c. Low Level Patch Module. The low level patch
connect to the major alarm panel on figure 5-2, there
module is configured the same as the 2-wire audio
is a possibility of 90 inputs for alarms. Each alarm is
patch modules. That is, there are two normal
signalled by a ground input to pins 1 through 45 on
through and two monitor jacks for each circuit and
the main connector. Pins 46 and 47 are outputs
24 circuits for each module.
(grounds) which go to an audible indicator, causing
(1) Following the circuit shown in figure 5-1C,
it to sound. Other pins on the main connector are dc
the line is connected to the LINE normal though
ground and input power and negative 48 volts direct
jack and the equipment is connected to the EQUIP
normal through jack. Parallel connections from both
the LINE and EQUIP jacks are two monitor jacks

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