TM 5-4310-340-24
(2) Major Army commanders are authorized to
(1) Figure number. Indicates the figure number of
approved reductions in the range of support items authorized
the illustration on which the item is shown.
for use in units within their commands. Recommendations for
(2) Item number. Indicates the callout number
increases in range of items authorized for use will be
usedto reference the item on the illustration.
forwarded to the national level maintenance management
(2) Item number. Indicates the callout number
agency responsible for the preparation of the repair parts and
used to reference the item on the illustration.
special tools list. This agency will take action on such
recommendations. Any changes approved will be reflected in
C-4. Special Information
a revision to the repair parts and special tools list.
a. The basis of issue for authorized special tools
g. 30-Day DS/ GS Maintenance Allowances.
test and support equipment is the number of end items of
(1) The repair parts list will include asterisk
equipment and the number of maintenance personnel
entries in separate columns-one for direct support (DS) and
allocated to perform the required maintenance operation.
one for general support (GS) as appropriate, to indicate the
b. Repair parts kits and gasket sets appear as the last
total range of repair' parts authorized for use at that category.
entries in the repair parts listing for the group or assembly to
They will be requisitioned initially on an "as required" basis.
which they apply.
The repair part authorized at DS / GS levels will be those
authorized for the maintenance mission at these levels.
C-5. How to ,Locate Repair Parts
Requirements for repair parts stockage and for distribution to
a. When Federal stock number or reference number is
supported units will be based on demand and determined in
accordance with AR 711-16 and AR 710-2. Those items
(1) First. Using the table of contents. determine
containing a quantity in the maintenance allowance column
the functional sub-group within which the repair part belongs,
are essential repair parts which must be stocked in the
i.e., engine assembly, transmission
assembly. This
minimum quantities indicated (AR 700-18).
necessary since illustrations are prepared for functional sub-
(2) Special Tools or Test, Measurement, and
groups and listings are divided into the same groups.
Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) and other support equipment
(2) Second. Find the illustrations covering the
peculiar to an item are listed with quantities
functional sub-group to which the repair part belongs.
appropriate density spread / allowance columns.
(3) Third.
Identify the repair part on the
h. 1-Year Allowances
Equipment /
illustration and note the illustration figure and item number of
Contingency Planning Purposes. The repair parts list will
the repair part.
include asterisk entries in this column for each item required
(4) Fourth. Using the Repair Parts Listing, find
for distribution and contingency
the functional sub-group to which the repair part belongs and
Requirements for repair part stockage and for distribution to
locate the illustration figure and item number noted on the
supported limits will be based on demand and determined in
accordance with AR 711-16 and AR 710.9.
b. When Federal stock number or reference number is
i. Depot Maintenance Allowance Per 100 Equipments.
The repair parts list will include asterisk entries in this column
(1) First.
Using the Index of Federal stock
for each item required for depot maintenance of 100
numbers and reference numbers, find the pertinent Federal
stock number or reference number. This index is in ascending
j. Illustrations. This column is divided as follows: TM 5-
FSN sequence followed by a list of reference numbers in
ascending alphameric sequence.
cross-referenced to
illustration figure number and item number.
(2) Second. Using the repair parts listing, find the
functional sub-group of the repair parts and the illustration
figure number and item number referenced in the Index of
Federal stock numbers and reference numbers.
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