![]() TM 5-4310-340-24
(3) Unscrew pickup screen (23) from fitting (24).
b. Installation.
b. Installation. (1) Install fitting (24) on pickup screen
(1) Using oil seal insertion tools (3, fig C-12)
(23) and tighten securely.
install seal (32) into adapter (1).
(2) Install preformed packing (22) on fitting (24).
(2) Position preformed packing (2) into groove
(3) Apply teflon tape per MIL-T-27730 to fitting
on adapter (1).
(24) threads.
(4) Install assembly into sump and tighten fitting
(24) securely.
(5) Install oil inlet tube (para 3-23).
Do not damage preformed packing (2),
wavewasher (31), or lip of seal (32) during
3-25. Oil Fill and Dipstick Manifold
installation of adapter (1) on crankshaft and
a. Removal (fig C-10).
(1) Disconnect oil fill manifold vent tube from
check valve tee.
(3) Position wavewasher (31) into adapter (1).
(2) Unscrew and remove dipstick (34) and plug
Position adapter on crankshaft with blow-by port facing down.
(38) from manifold (39).
Secure adapter with four lockwashers (40) and screws (41).
(3) Remove screw (1), lockwasher (41), and flat
Tighten screws to 40-65 lb-in.
washer (40) securing manifold (39) to head (4).
(4) Disconnect first stage cooler tube end nut
3-27. Front Oil Seal
from elbow at head (4).
a. Removal (fig C-11).
(5) Remove six screws (2) and lockwashers (3)
(1) Remove four fan guard brackets (para 315).
securing head (4) to cylinder.
(2) Remove three screws (21), lockwashers (20),
(6) Remove head (4) and preformed packing (5)
and flat washers (19) securing oil pump housing (17) to oil
from cylinder.
pump plate and remove housing. Remove and discard gasket
Remove manifold (39) and preformed
packing (37 from compressor.
(3) Using a suitable driver, remove seal (18) from
b. Installation.
housing (17).
(1) Install preformed packing (37) in fitting (36).
b. Installation.
(2) Install manifold dipstick tube into fitting 1361
(1) Using a suitable driver, install seal (18) into
and preformed packing (37).
housing (17).
(3) Position preformed packing (5) and first stage
(2) Position housing (17) with new gasket (16) on
head (4) on cylinder. Secure head with six screws (2) and
crankshaft with relief valve facing up. Install three screws (21),
lockwashers (3). Tighten evenly to 30-335 lb-in.
lockwashers (20) and flat washers (19).
(4) Secure manifold (39) to head (4) with screw
(3) Install four fan guard brackets (para 315). 3-
(1). lockwasher (41). and flat washer (40). Tighten securely.
28. Air and Hydraulic Fittings
(5) Connect first stage cooler tube end nut to
elbow in head (4). Tighten to 270-300 lb-in.
a. Removal.
(1) Refer to applicable removal procedures and
3-26. Rear Oil Seal
remove compressor components, as required, to gain access
a. Removal (fig C-11).
to fitting to be removed.
(2) Disconnect tube (s) from fitting to be removed
(1) Remove oil fill and dipstick manifold (para 3-
and unscrew fitting from compressor.
(2) Remove four screws (41) and lockwashers
b. Installation.
(40) securing adapter (1) to crankcase. Remove adapter from
During installation of pipe threaded fittings use
(3) Remove wavewasher (31) and preformed
teflon tape per MIL-T-27730 at threads.
packing (2) from adapter.
(4) Using a suitable driver, remove seal (32) from
(1) Install fitting and tighten securely with elbow
adapter (1).
fittings alined with connecting tube.
(2) Connect tube (s) to fitting and tighten in
accordance with paragraph 1-5.
(3) Install components removed in a.(1) above.
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