![]() b.
If additional assistance is required, contact the address in paragraph 1-11 of this publication.
1-8. Personnel and Training.
MOS Requirements:
Operator: 62J20, General Construction Machine Operator.
Organizational Maintenance: 62B20, Construction Equipment Repairman.
(3) Direct and General Support Maintenance: 62B30, Construction Equipment Repairman; 63G20, Fuel and
Electrical Systems Repairman, 44B20 Metal Body Repairman.
New Equipment Training: New Equipment Training Teams (NETTs) are available to major field commands.
Requests for NETTs should be forwarded to Commander, US Army Tank-Automotive Materiel Readiness Command
(TARCOM), ATTN: DRSTA-MLT, Warren, MI 48090. Training teams should be requested only when trained personnel
are not available in the command to operator and/or maintain the compactor.
1-9. Logistics Assistance.
Tank-Automotive Command Field Maintenance Technicians stationed at CONUS and OCONUS installations
will be fully qualified and available to furnish on-site training and or assistance concurrent with receipt of the compactor.
Assistance can be obtained by contacting the Logistics Assistance Office listed in Appendix B of AR 700-4.
1-10. Warranty. The CCE Compactor contractor warrants the products furnished under this contract according to the
terms and conditions described in the equipment publications and Appendix B of this publication. All warranties
furnished to the compactor contractor by subcontractors of assemblies or components utilized in the manufacture of the
end item will be extended to the Government. See Appendix B for warranty guidelines.
1-11. Reporting of Errors. You can improve this publication by recommending improvements, using DA Form 2028
(Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) or DA Form 2028-2 located in the back of the manual and
mail the form direct to Commander, US Army Tank-Auto- motive Materiel Readiness Command, ATTN: DRSTA-MBS,
Warren, MI 48090. A reply will be furnished direct to you.
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