of overlap to cover this area.
The flanges on the rear wheels are aligned to fall exactly
in. between those on the front wheels, providing full
coverage on each pass. The two wheels compact a total
of 76 inches (193 cm) of width with 30 inches (76 cm)
between, allowing the operator 8 inches (20 cm)
Hourly production is based on one machine pass, and ideal
conditions at 100% efficiency.
To determine cubic yard per hour production at speeds and
To determine actual cubic yard per hour production,
lift thickness other than those listed above, refer to the
divide the above figures, by the number of machines
following equation.
passes required to achieve the desired density.
(M.P.H. X 103 X (IN.) = cu. Yd./hr.
(km/hr.) x 19,3 x (cm) = m /hr.
definite height for a number of blows, usually 25 times the
The K300 is equipped with a power shift transmission.
number of layers. The Standard Proctor uses three layers, a
This means that the operator is able to start in a low gear
5.5 pound (2,5 kg) rammer, and a 12 inch (31 cm) drop
and shift to a higher speed range without slowing down.
applying a 12,375 ft-lbs of compactive effort. The Modified
When rolling resistance is high, or the machine is
Proctor uses five layers, a 10 pound (4,5) rammer, and 18
climbing an incline, a lower gear will often produce a
inch (46 cm) drop for a total of 56,250 ft-lbs of compactive
higher speed. The operator will be aware of this if he
effort. Obviously, the Modified Proctor density speci-
notices a slowing down after shifting to higher gear.
fications are much more difficult to meet.
The dozer blade on the K300 should not be used for
excavating or heavy dozing of undisturbed soils. Its
Water Balloon and Sand Cone Density Tests:
proper function is in leveling off irregularities in grade left
In-place soil density determination consists of removing a
by the earth-moving equipment and knocking down piles
sample of the compacted soil from a 4 to 5 inch (10 to 12,7
of truck-dumped fill material. It is also very helpful in
cm) diameter hole. The moist soil is weighed and its
leveling off and back-dragging the fill to minimize water
moisture content determined. The volume of the hole is
determined by measuring the amount of material of known
weight required to fill the hole. This may be either water or
sand and thus the name of the test. The dry weight of the
material removed is then stated in pounds per cubic foot
(kilograms per cubic meter).
The generally accepted standards for the control of
densities and moisture in soil compaction are the
Nuclear-Moisture Density Test:
Standard and Modified Proctor. A container of known size
An instrument is used employing gamma rays which are
is gradually filled with a stated number of layers of soil
and a rammer of known weight is dropped from a
the soil moisture,
Rev. 760501
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