1. Do not operate machine unless completely familiar
5. Extreme caution must be used when backing up the
machine to ensure that the path Is clear of personnel and
with controls and machine operation. Do not operate
equipment. Sound the horn before backing up.
machine without properly functioning Instruments.
2. Do not leave machine unattended with engine running.
6. Keep hands, floors and controls free from water,
Always put gear levers In neutral position, lower blade, set
grease and mud.
parking brake and shut down engine before leaving
operator's seat.
7. Never get on or off the machine while In motion.
3. Do not park or enter under machine with- out setting
the parking brake. If on a grade, block the wheels. Connect
8. Never adjust or lubricate machine while engine is
safety links if engine is running.
running. If machine Is malfunctioning or awaiting service,
tie red WARNING tag on steering wheel.
9. Operate machine at speeds consistent with job
conditions. Always give loaded equip- ment the right of
10. Do not use blade as a brake when going down a steep
11. Observe all caution and warning decals and plates
attached to the machine.
12. Ensure that machine Is clean of oil and Ignitable refuse
Safety Links Installed
at all times to reduce risk of fire.
4. Make certain that no one Is In center Joint area
between scraper bar and rear wheel before starting
machine. Sound horn before moving machine.
Center Joint Area Warning Plate
Operator's Caution Plate
Rev. 760501
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