1. Park machine on level ground and lower blade to
ground level.
2. Remove horn wire contact plate on lower end of
column. Remove horn button and base plate assembly.
3. Loosen steering wheel nut until It Is flush with top
of steering shaft.
4. Install steering wheel puller to loosen wheel from
shaft splines.
5. Remove puller, shaft nut and lift off wheel.
6. Remove steering column mounting bolts and move
orbitrol valve to one side.
Steering Valve and Column Mounting
7. Remove the snap ring from the column jacket.
The shaft and bearing assembly can now be removed from
jacket by pushing on the lower end of the shaft.
Note: Do not use a hammer to pound the shaft free.
8. When the shaft has been removed, the bearing
and' second retaining ring can be removed. Clean all
parts, replacing any that have been damaged.
9. Reverse procedure for Installation.
Steering Column Assembly
Rev. 760501
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