cause leaks. The clean inside surface of a corrugated
Before removing the ORBITROL from the vehicle, be
container is frequently a very adequate assembly surface.
certain that it - the entire area around it - and the
Assembly is generally easier and more satisfactory with
connecting lines are cleaned free from dirt and
clean dry parts. After parts are rinsed clean in solvent they
contamination. If the vehicle must be moved while the
may be blown dry with an air hose or placed on clean
steering control is off, you will need two 3/8 pipe elbows if
paper towel to drain and air dry.
the unit is connected with hose or four elbows and two
close nipples if it is connected with tubing. Use the fittings
If parts are thus prepared as they are removed, they
to couple the "'N" to the "OUT" line and the "L" to the "R"
are frequently ready for reassembly by the time they are
line when these are removed from the unit. If it is
necessary to remove the steering wheel, make sure to use
a wheel puller. Do not hammer the end of the shaft or the
steering wheel nut because this disrupts the upper column
The following procedure applies to all units with
bearing which is designed to allow the critical freedom
Model numbers starting with U or W. They can be
required for satisfactory function. If you must use a
identified by a one-piece housing and a check hole
hammer, order a spare bearing and snap rings first.
plug with an O-Ring at about the middle of the 0.0.
On some machines it may not be necessary to remove
the upper column. Remove the two mounting screws and
lower the entire assembly far enough to provide access to
the two screws which fasten the column to the lower unit.
Observe the shaft area of the lower unit immediately
upon removal of the column assembly. If it shows an
appreciably oil-wetted appearance this indicates that the
shaft seal may have been leaking.
If there is a functional problem or leakage at the control
end of the unit only, the disassembly of the control end of
the unit only will be required and it is generally advisable to
leave the 7-bolted end assembled.
If a complete tear down and reassembly of the unit is
planned, clean all paint and surface contamination from the
unit at points of separation. This is extremely important at
the meter end of the unit so that no paint flakes or particles
will enter these closely fitted parts as they are being
reassembled. To clean the unit adequately, first plug all
four ports, then wire brush around the meter area and rinse
and blow away all surface contamination before any
disassembly is begun.
For any disassembly, an extremely clean bench area is
necessary. Do not use shop cloths or cotton waste to wipe
or clean the parts. The lint deposited by these can disrupt
function or
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