10. Grip the shaft end cover (item 9) in a vise
Bearing Removal
with the mounting face down. Remove shaft lip seal
(item 10) by inserting the special tool into the notch
between the shaft lip seal and shaft end cover. Tap the
Examine all roller bearings (item 3) for
seal out and discard.
scoring, spauling or pitting. If gears are re- placed,
bearings must be replaced.
If re- placement is
necessary, pull the bearings out with a bearing puller.
Bearings should fit into bore with a light press fit. A neat
Seal removal tool can be
hand fit is allowable.
easily made from an old
Remove the ring seals (item 2) from the
screwdriver. Heat the tip
bottom of bearing bore.
and bend as shown. Grind
off the tip to fit the notch
behind the shaft seal.
11. Stone off all machined surfaces with a
medium grit carborundum stone.
Ring Seal Removal
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