![]() AXELS:
At each 800 hour interval, the differential pinion flange
bearings should be checked for endplay. If any endplay is
found, the following procedure should be followed in
conjunction with the vendor service manual:
1. Park machine on level ground, set parking brake
and lower blade.
2. Drain planetary and differential housings.
3. Using a small hooked rod, pull out sun gear and
axle shaft about 12 inches (30 cm) till axle shafts are
disconnected from differential splines.
Bearing Preload Adjustment
4. Remove drive
housing with jack.
15. Rolling resistance can be adjusted by adjusting the
spindle nut.
5. Remove differential housing nuts and ferrules.
16. When proper rolling torque is obtained, install new
6. Remove differential assembly from axle housing.
lock and apply grease to outer face of lock. Install outer
locknut and tighten securely.
7. Mount differential on differential over- haul stand.
17. Recheck rolling resistance, readjusting if required.
8. Check and record ring gear backlash with a dial
indicator. The backlash reading should be .010 to .014
18. If rolling torque is within specification, bend two
inches (0, 25 to 0, 36 mm). This information is necessary
tangs inward and two outward.
for reassembly unless a new gear set is installed.
19. Install sun gear thrust ring and tap into end of
9. Loosen companion flange to facilitate flange
removal later. Loosen thrust screw nut and remove thrust
screw. When installing thrust screw, screw in until it
20. Install sun gear on axle and replace retaining ring.
contacts ring gear and then back out .012 inch (0, 3 mm)
and lock with jam nut.
21. Install planetary carrier assembly and bolt into
place. Tighten capscrews to specified torque (refer to
10. Remove adjusting nut lock. Before re- moving
bearing cap bolts, use center punch to match mark bearing
caps to carrier assembly. This is to ensure correct match
22. Install sun gear thrust cap and new O ring, tighten
in reassembly.
capscrews to specified torque (refer to TORQUE
11. Remove bearing cap bolts and bearing caps.
23. Replace drain plug in planetary housing and refill
12. Insert metal bar through differential to facilitate
planetary and differential housings to proper levels with
hoisting. Raise ends individually and remove adjusting
correct fluid (refer to LUBRICANTS SPECIFICATION
nuts and bearing cups.
13. Hoist differential with assembled bearing cones
24. Install wheel on axle, install wheel nuts and torque
from carrier assembly. Tilt differential to allow ring gear to
to 450 ft-lbs (67 m-kg).
pass web in differential carrier.
25. Install wheel cleaner teeth and fenders. Adjust
14. Remove pinion shaft nut that was previously
cleaner teeth to proper clearance on wheel. Rotate wheel
loosened and remove washer. Remove companion flange
and check cleaner teeth clearance.
from pinion shaft with puller.
26. Jack up machine, remove blocking and lower
15. Remove bolts securing seal retainer to carrier and
machine to ground.
remove retainer. If necessary, tap with a soft mallet to
break seal between parts.
Rev. 760501
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