(75V1-UP, 90N6121-UP)
Engines with Serial Numbers 75V1-UP, 90N6121-UP
The sleeve metering fuel system is a pressure
CAUTION: Diesel fuel is the only lubrication for
type fuel system. The name for the fuel system is
the moving parts in the transfer pump, injection
from the method used to control the amount of
pump housing, and the governor. The injection
fuel sent to the cylinders. This fuel system has an
pump housing must be full of fuel before turning
injection pump for each cylinder of the engine. It
the camshaft.
also has a fuel transfer pump on the front of the
injection pump housing. The governor is on the
rear of the injection pump housing.
This fuel system has governor weights, a thrust
collar and two governor springs. One governor
The drive gear for the fuel transfer pump is on
spring is for high idle and the other governor spring
the front of the camshaft for the injection pumps.
is for low idle. Rotation of the shaft for governor
The carrier for the governor weights is bolted to
control, compression of the governor springs,
the rear of the camshaft for the injection pumps.
movement of connecting linkage in the governor
The injection pump housing has a bearing at each
and injection pump housing controls the amount
end to support the camshaft. The camshaft for the
of fuel sent to the engine cylinders.
sleeve metering fuel system is driven by the timing
gears at the front of the engine.
Fuel from fuel tank (7) is pulled by fuel transfer
pump (11) through fuel filter (9). From fuel filter
The injection pumps, lifters and rollers, and the
(9) the fuel goes to housing for fuel injection
camshaft are all inside of the pump housing. The
pumps (14). The fuel goes in housing (14) at the
pump housing and the governor housing are full of
top and goes through inside passage (20) to fuel
fuel at transfer pump pressure (fuel system pres-
transfer pump (11).
1. Fuel priming pump (closed position). 2. Fuel priming pump (open position). 3. Return line for constant bleed valve.
4. Constant bleed valve. 5. Manual bleed valve. 6. Fuel injection nozzle. 7. Fuel tank. 8. Fuel inlet line. 9. Fuel
filter. 10. Bypass valve for fuel priming pump. 11. Fuel transfer pump. 12. Fuel bypass valve. 13. Camshaft. 14.
Housing for fuel injection pumps. A. Check valve. B. Check valve. C. Check valve. D. Check valve.
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