11. Fuel transfer pump. 13. Camshaft. 14. Housing for fuel injection pumps. 15. Lever. 16. Governor housing. 17.
Load stop pin. 18. Cover. 19. Sleeve control shafts (two). 20. Inside fuel passage. 21. Drive gear for fuel transfer
pump. 22. Lever on governor shaft. 23. Governor springs (inner spring is for low idle: outer spring is for high idle). 24.
Spring seat. 25. Thrust collar. 26. Over fueling spring. 27. Load stop lever. 28. Carrier and governor weights. 29.
Sleeve levers.
From fuel transfer pump (11), fuel under
When starting the engine, the force of over
pressure, fills the housing for the fuel injection
fueling spring (26) is enough to push thrust collar
pumps (14). Pressure of the fuel in housing (14) is
(25) to the full fuel position. This lets the engine
controlled by bypass valve (12). Pressure of the
have the maximum amount of fuel for injection
fuel at FULL LOAD is 30 5 psi (2.1 0.4
when starting. At approximately 400 rpm, gover-
nor weights (28) make enough force to push spring
kg/cm2). If the pressure of fuel in housing (14)
(26) together. Thrust collar (25) and spring seat
gets too high, bypass valve (12) will move (open)
(24) come into contact. From this time on, the
to let some of the fuel return to the inlet of fuel
governor works to control the speed of the engine.
transfer pump (11).
When governor springs (23) are put in compres-
Lever (15) for the governor is connected by
sion, the spring seat at the front of the governor
linkage and governor springs (23) to the sleeve
springs will make contact with load stop lever (27).
control shafts (19). Any movement of lever (22)
Rotation of the load stop lever moves load stop pin
will cause a change in the position of sleeve control
(17) up until the load stop pin comes in contact
shafts (19).
with the stop bar or stop screw. This stops the
movement of thrust collar (25), the connecting
When lever (15) is moved to give more fuel to
levers, and sleeve control shafts (19). At this
the engine, lever (22) will put governor springs (23)
position, the maximum amount of fuel per stroke
in compression and move thrust collar (26) for-
is being injected by each injection pump.
ward. As thrust collar (25) moves forward, the
connecting linkage will cause sleeve control shafts
The carrier for governor weights (28) is held on
(19) to turn. With this movement of the sleeve
the rear of camshaft (13) by bolts. When engine
control shafts, levers (29) will lift sleeves (30) to
rpm goes up, injection pump camshaft (13) turns
make an increase in the amount of fuel sent to the
faster. Any change of camshaft rpm will change the
engine cylinders.
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