Quality Caterpillar Replacement parts are available from
Caterpillar dealers throughout the world. Their parts
stocks are up to date and include all parts normally
required to protect your investment in Caterpillar
machines. When ordering parts, always use the Parts
Book covering the serial number of your machine.
Your order should specify the quantity, part number, part
name and show the machine serial number for which the
parts are needed. If in doubt about the part number,
please provide your dealer with a complete description
of the needed item.
HOW TO USE THE PARTS BOOK Caterpillar Parts Books include illustrations of the groups or assemblies which make
up the machine. These illustrations show the standard components of the machine plus many of the attachments
available for the machine.
The alphabetical index located in the front part of the book should be used to determine the page number on which
specific illustrations are shown. Reference to those pages will identify each of the individual serviceable parts.
The caption under each illustration identifies the part number and name of the group or assembly shown. If more than
one illustration is included for any group, the caption identifies the specific machine serial numbers to which each
illustration applies. In some cases it is not possible to determine the specific machine serial numbers to which different
illustrations are applicable, In those cases the caption identifies the illustration as
"First Type", "Second Type", etc, Reference to the actual group or assembly is necessary in those cases to determine
which illustration should be used,
Captions provide additional information such as page numbers where illustrations of sub assemblies are shown,
information re. guarding quantities used and other information intended to assist the use in determining parts needs.
Indented Part Names
Within each illustration is a parts list identifying each serviceable part in the illustration. When a part name is indented in
this list, it means that serviceable item is a pert of the serviceable item under which it is indented.
Abbreviations and Symbols
Used to call attention to additional information shown elsewhere with in the illustration.
Right Hand
Refer to the side of the
Left Hand
machine as viewed from the operator's compartment.
Indicates changes from the previous illustration of the same group or assmbly.
O. D.
Outside Diameter
I. D.
Inside Diameter
Not Serviceable
Continuing improvement and advancement- of product design may cause changes to your machine which may not be
included in this publication. Each publication s reviewed and revised, as required, to update and include these changes In
later editions
Whenever a question arises regarding your Caterpillar product, or this publication, please consult your Caterpillar dealer
for the latest available information.
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