TM 3-1040-276-23
GENERAL. When using this manual, check all warn-
b. Direct Support Maintenance Procedures. Pro-
vides initial setup and detailed procedures for perform-
ings and cautions before operating the M3A4 smoke
ing maintenance functions authorized by the MAC,
generator and review the entire maintenance procedure
appendix B.
before beginning the maintenance task. References are
to pages, figures, or other publications. TM 3-1040-
APPENDIXES. This appendixes covers the following
255-10 provides procedures for installing the M2
smoke generator mount.
a. Appendix A. Lists all references used.
INDEXES. Three indexes provide quick access to
b. Appendix B. Contains the maintenance alloca-
parts of this manual.
tion chart (MAC) for the M3A4 smoke generator.
a. Table of Contents. Lists in order all chapters
c. Appendix C. Lists expendable or durable sup-
and their sections and appendixes. Gives page refer-
plies needed to operate and maintain the M3A4 smoke
b. Symptom Index. Indexes the common malfunc-
d. Appendix D. Lists and illustrates items requiring
tions that may be reported to you by the operator or
that you may find during maintenance.
c. Alphabetical Index. Lists page numbers for
EXAMPLE. You are a Quartermaster and Chemical
each paragraph and appendix.
Equipment Repairer, MOS 63J. You have received an
M3A4 smoke generator from the operator for repair at
organizational maintenance level. The operator reports
Chapter 2 covers the following information:
that the fog oil pump fails to pump fog oil. (Note: The
a. Repair Parts; Special Tools; Test, Measurement,
same methods of finding information apply to direct
and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE); and Support Equip-
support maintenance.)
a. How do you start? Look at the table of contents
in the front of this manual. On the left side you find the
b. Service Upon Receipt. Gives procedures for
listing chapter 2, Organizational Maintenance, section
servicing smoke generators upon receipt.
IV, Troubleshooting Procedures, telling you to go to
c. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Ser-
page 2-8.
vices. Lists mandatory semiannual inspections and
b. What malfunction did the operator report for the
d. Troubleshooting Procedures. Provides the typi-
2404 does not tell you, ask the operator to describe the
cal malfunctions reported by the operator to organiza-
tional maintenance. Lists the tests or inspections, and
c. How do you fix a problem? Follow the step-by-
sequential steps to be taken to correct failures reported
step instructions in the troubleshooting table. The
on the generator. Refers to organizational maintenance
instructions under corrective action tell you what
instructions required to correct the problem.
maintenance procedures to follow and the page num-
e. Organization/Maintenance Procedures. Pro-
ber. Follow the procedures until the problem is fixed or
vides initial setup and detailed procedures for perform-
the instructions tell you to refer the problem to direct
ing maintenance functions authorized by the MAC,
support maintenance for repair of the generator.
appendix B.
d. What supplies and equipment will you need?
Go to the alphabetical index in the back of the manual.
Look for the major component you are going to fix. For
Chapter 3 covers the following information.
example, M4 fog oil pump maintenance instructions for
a. Repair Parts; Special Tools; Test Measurement,
organizational maintenance refer you to page 2-61.
and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE); and Support Equip-
There, under Initial Setup, you will find a list of tools,
supplies, and materials you will need.
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