TM 11-6665-245-34
across the meter. The capacitor is charged by the
is set so that small magnitude signals (noise) are
pulse and then discharges through R33 and the
meter to provide a steady reading on the meter.
c. Once Q2 is cut off, Q3 and Q4 turn on pro-
Capacitor C24 is switched into the meter circuit
viding a positive going pulse to be formed across
on the 1M and 1K positions of the selector switch
resistor R21.
and combines with C23 to change the time cons-
2-6. Count Rate Circuit
tant required on those ranges.
e. The output of U1D is used to energize the
headphones (when used) and provides the "click"
a, The count rate circuit consists of NOR gate
noise in the earpiece for each pulse received from
U1A, NOR gates U1B through U1D connected as
the inverter-buffer stage.
simple inverters, and transistor Q5 which is used
in a feedback loop to control U1A. Prior to any
2-7. Power Supply and Regulator
signal (positive pulse from the buffer inverter cir-
(Figure 2-7)
cuit Q4), the inputs (pins 1 and 2) to NOR gate U1A
The power supply and regulator circuit uses the
are both low, the output (pin 3) is high and tran-
voltage input from the two radiacmeter batteries.
sistor Q5 is conducting.
The output voltages which operate the
b. The positive going pulse from the buffer-
radiacmeter circuits are: minus 950, minus 9, and
inverter starts the circuit into operation. When pin
plus 3.8 volts dc. These voltages are generated
2, U1A, goes high, pin 3, its output goes low. The
from a blocking type oscillator circuit using step
voltage change is coupled directly to the base of
up voltage windings to generate an ac voltage
Q5 through timing capacitor C21. Q5 is then cut
off and its collector goes high holding the output
which is rectified for the dc voltages.
of U1A low. This condition holds until timing
a. The blocking oscillator circuit uses tran-
capacitor C21 discharges through resistor R23
sistor Q6 as the oscillator. The feedback for the
enough to allow Q5 to turn on, causing pin 1 of
oscillator is provided by winding 4-5 of
U1A to revert to a low condition. This action
transformer T1 coupled through the transformer's
results in pin 3, U1A, first going low as the result
core. The feedback signal alternately cuts off Q6
of the inverter-buffer input pulse and then staying
and drives it into saturation. The length of time Q6
low until the timing capacitor discharges forming
is cut off is controlled by the charge on capacitor
a negative going pulse on the input of U1B
C17 and C18. The charge path for C17 and C18 is
through U1D.
t h r o u g h and controlled by transistor Q7. Tran-
c. The negative going pulse at pin 3, U1A, is
sister Q7, in turn, is controlled by the differential
started by the inverter-buffer pulse. Its length is
amplifier pair of transistors Q8 and Q9 to set the
determined by the discharge time of C21 when S1
charge (voltage of C18). Controlling the voltage on
is in the position shown. When S1 is in other
C18 then controls the time Q6 is cut off, which
ranges, the value of the timing capacitor changes
controls the frequency of the oscillator and the
and so does the length of the output pulse. These
three power supply outputs.
different pulse lengths are used for different
b. Three ac output voltages are taken from
ranges and cause the meter to read correctly as
transformer T1. There is a separate winding bet-
scales are changed.
ween pin 6 asnd either pins 7 through 11 for the
d. Outputs from U1B and U1C are tied
high voltage supply and a common winding (pins
together and connected to the indicating meter
1, 2, and 3) to provide the low voltage outputs.
through potentiometer R26, resistor R27, switch
Both low voltage outputs use voltage doubler type
S1, and resistor R33. Since the meter cannot res-
rectifier arrangement to obtain their outputs. The
pond to the pulse, capacitor C23 is connected
high voltage rectifier arrangement is a voltage
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