![]() TM 11-6665-245-34
2-1. Introduction
connects the main and auxiliary probes to the
radiacmeter body.
The radiac set is composed of a Radiacmeter lM-
d. Discriminator. This block represents two
160F/PDR-56 (radiacmeter), three probes: DT-
transistors connected to discriminate between
224B/PDR-56 (main probe), DT-228A/PDR-56 (aux-
low level random noise and actual signals. The
iliary probe), and DT-590A/PDR-56F (X-ray probe), a
discriminator allows signals to pass to the next
set of earphones, an extension handle, a carrying
block, but eliminates the noise signal. The output
strap, an operator's technical manual, and a case
signal from this block is a constant amplitude
to contain the components. The radiac set is used
pulse which coincides with the light pulse to the
to detect and measure alpha radiation which
photomultiplier (PM) for the beta probes. With the
penetrates the detecting screen of the main probe
x-ray probe, which has an amplifier-discriminator
(or auxiliary probe) and to detect and measure low
circuit integral to the probe (self-contained with a
energy gamma radiation with the x-ray probe con-
s c i n t i l l a t o r - p h o t o m u l t i p l i e r combination), the
nected to the radiacmeter. The functioning of the
resulting signal i s c o u p l e d t o t h e m a i n
equipment will be explained first on a block
discriminator as shown in the block diagram at
diagram and then on a detailed analysis of the cir-
e. Buffer-Inverter. In this block, the signal is
2-2. Block Diagram Analysis
inverted and sent to the count rate circuit.
f. Count Rate. The count rate block provides a
changeable timing circuit so that scales can be
The operating portion of the radiac set includes
changed. Part of the circuit is the scale change
the radiacmeter and the main, auxiliary, and x-ray
switch which selects the proper timing com-
probes. These items and their circuitry are laid out
ponents for changing scale.
on the block diagram (fig. 2-1) with the direction of
g. Indicating Meter. This block represents the
signal flow from left to right. The signal starts in
meter on which the counts per minute (CPM) are
the probe (main, auxiliary, or x-ray) and ends up as
both a meter indication and a sound indication in
h. Headset Connector. Provides an output
the headset.
connection for listening to the signal (clicks).
a. Reg Power. This block supplies power and
various voltages to operate the radiacmeter. The
2-3. Probe Operation
power is taken from two dry cells that are in-
Both the main probe and the auxiliary probe
stalled in the radiacmeter. The relatively low
operate on the same general principle. They both
voltage of the dry cells is stepped up through an
convert alpha particles to pulses of light and then
convert those light pulses to an electrical signal
w h i c h supplies the different voltages. The
(electrical pulses). The. x-ray probe converts gam-
regulator portion of this block is used to maintain
ma radiation incident to its scintillator-
output voltage constant as the dry cell voltage
photomultiplier from light pulses to an electrical
changes slightly over the battery life.
b. Probes. The main and auxiliary probes con-
vert low energy alpha particles into pulses of light
view of the inside of the main probe. The base and
for the photomultiplier tube. The x-ray probe
cover form a light tight covering for the
senses low energy gamma radiation and pro-
photomultiplier tube. Slots cut into the metal
duces voltages of sufficient amplitude, which are
base bottom form the area (window) where alpha
passed by the discriminator and fed to the count
particles are detected. The window area is also
rate meter, which shapes and displays the events
sealed to keep light from entering by a sandwich
per unit of time in the meter circuit.
formed of a piece of clear Iucite and a piece of
c. P h o t o m u l t i p l i e r and Emitter Follower.
very thin aluminum foil bonded to clear plastic
These items are contained in the handle of the
(aluminized mylar). Directly above the aluminized
main (and auxiliary) probes. The photomultiplier
mylar is a layer of phosphor, a chemical
changes the light pulses from these probes into
substance that gives off light when activated by
electrical signals. The emitter follower provides
radiation. Above the Iucite are pieces of clear
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