![]() TM 11-6665-245-12
B-1. Scope
t h e Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers
This appendix lists integral components of and
(FSCM) is shown in parentheses.
basic issue items for the AN/PRD-56F to help you
d. Description. Indicates the Federal item
inventory items required for safe and efficient
name and, if required, a minimum description to
identify the item.
e. Location. The physical location of each
B-2. General
item listed is given in this column. The lists are
This Components of End Item List is divided into
designed to inventory all items in one area of the
the following sections:
major item before moving on to an adjacent area.
f. Usable on Code. Not applicable.
a. Section Il. Integral Components of the End
Item. These items, when assembled, comprise the
AN/PDR-56F and must accompany it whenever it
Used On
is transferred or turned in. The illustration (Figure
B-1) will help you identify these items.
g. Quantity Required (Qty Reqd). This column
lists the quantity of each item required for a com-
b. Section Ill. Basic Issue Items. Not ap-
plete major item.
h. Quantity. This column is left blank for use
B-3. Explanation of Columns
during an inventory. Under the Rcvd column, list
the quantity you actually receive on your major
a. Illustration. This column is divided as
item. The Date columns are for your use when you
inventory the major item at a later date; such as
(1) Figure number. Indicates the figure
for shipment to another site.
number of the illustration on which the item is
B-4. Special Information
(2) Item number. The number used to iden-
National Stock Numbers (NSNs) that are missing
tify item called out in the illustration.
from Section II have been applied for and will be
b. National Stock Number. Indicates the na-
added to this TM by future change/revision when
tional stock number assigned to the item and
they are entered in the Army Master Data File
which will be used for requisitioning.
c. Part Number. Indicates the primary number
(AMDF). Until the NSNs are established and
published, submit exception requisitions to: Com-
used by the manufacturer, which controls the
mander, US Army Communications and Elec-
design and characteristics of the item by means
tronics Materiel Readiness Command, ATTN: AM-
of its engineering drawings, specifications, stan-
SEL-MM, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5006 for the
dards, and inspection requirements to identify an
part required to support your equipment.
item or range of items. Following the part number,
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