![]() TM 11-6625-667-45/NAVSHIPS 0969-249-1010/NAVAIR 16-30APM123-2/TO 33A1-3-367-22
Following is a list of applicable references that should be available to the direct and general support
and depot repairman of Test Set, Thransponder AN/APM-123(V) 1:
Index of Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Supply Manuals
DA Pam 310-4
(types 7, 8, and 9), Supply Bulletins, and Lubrication Orders
Index of Modification Work Orders
DA Pam 310-7
SB 11-573
Painting and Preservation Supplies Available for Field Use for Electronics
Command Equipment
TB SIG 355-1
Depot Inspection Standard for Repaired Signal Equipment
Depot Inspection Standards for Refinishing Repaired Signal Equipment
TB SIG 355-2
Depot Inspection Standard for Moisture and Fungus Resistant Treatment
TB SIG 355-3
Field Instructions for Painting and Preserving Electronics Command
TB SIG 364
Crystal Rectifier Test Sets TS-268A/U, TS-268A/U, TS-268B/U, TS-
TM 11-1242
268C/U, TS-268D/U, and TS-268E/U
Frequency Meter AN/USM-26
TM 11-5057
Wattmeters AN/URM-98 and AN/URM-98A
TM 11-6625-433-15
Organizational Maintenance Manual: Multimeter ME-26A/U, ME-
TM 11-6625-200-12
26B/U, ME-26C/U, and ME-26D/U
Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Test Sets, Electron
TM 11-6625-274-12
Tube TV-7/U, TV-7A/U, TV-7B/U, and TV-7D/U
Operator, Organizational, Field and Depot Maintenance Manual:
TM 11-6625-299-15
Signal Generators AN/URM-64 and AN/URM-64A
Operator, Organizational, and Field Maintenance Manual: Radar
TM 11-6625-403-14
Test Set AN/UPM-98
Operator, Organizational, Field and Depot Maintenance Manual: Test
TM 11-6625-539-15
Set, Transistor TS-1836/U
Organizational Maintenance Manual: Test Set, Transponder AN/APM-
TM 11-6625-667-12
TM 38-750
Army Equipment Record Procedures
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