![]() Control Section
Test Procedure
Test Equipment
a. ACCEPT indicator
a. S e t A N / A P M - 2 7 0 ( V ) C O N -
Same as step 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Same as step 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S E C U T I V E REPLIES switch
to 56. ACCEPT indicator should
light when test set PUSH TO
TEST switch is depressed.
b. REJECT indicator
b. S e t A N / A P M - 2 7 0 ( V ) C O N -
S E C U T I V E REPLIES switch
to 65. REJECT indicator should
light when test set PUSH TO
TEST switch is depressed.
c. None.
c. Set test set DIR-RAD switch to
d. ACCEPT indicator
d. S e t A N / A P M - 2 7 0 ( V ) C O N -
S E C U T I V E REPLIES switch
to 16. ACCEPT indicator should
light when test set PUSH TO
TEST switch is depressed.
e. REJECT indicator
e. S e t A N / A P M - 2 7 0 ( V ) C O N -
S E C U T I V E REPLIES switch
to 16. REJECT indicator should
light when test set PUSH TO
TEST switch is depressed.
f . None.
f . Set
S E C U T I V E REPLIES switch
to 16.
g. REJECT indicator
g. S e t AN/APM-270(V) REPLY
should lights.
at 2X. REJECT indicator
should light when teat set
PUSH TO TEST switch is de-
pressed Return switch to 1x
a. None.
a. connect AN/UPM-137A oscillo-
3 Same as step 1 ----------------- Same as step 1 ---------------------
s c o p e VERTICAL-CHAN A-
VIDEO IN jack to AN/UPM-
137A rf sigml generator
V I D E O OUT jack
b. REJECT indicator
b. A d j u s t A N / A P m - 2 7 0 ( v )
PULSE 2 control ccw until de-
lay between leading edges of
first and second pulses displayed
on AN/UPM-137A oscilloscope
CHAN A is 1.45 SEC.
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