![]() A VOLTS/DIV 10
a. The video enable delay
3 as S tep 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Same as step 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.8 0.05
A10TP5. Measure and record the width
of the pulse at CHANNEL A. This is
the video enable delay.
b . None.
b. Disconnect CHANNEL B from A5TP5,
and connect it to A9TP4.
c. T h e v i d e o e n a b l e
period win conclude
complete pulse i s o b s e r v e d a t
C H A N N E L A. Measure the delay
seconds of the trail-
between trailing edges of the last pulse
ing edge of the last
at CHANNEL A. This determines the
expected reply pulse.
video enable period limits.
d . Same as c above.
d. Set the test set FUNCTION switch to
IDENTITY and the AN/UPM-98
F U N C T I O N switch to ID. Repeat
e . Same as c a b o v e ,
e. Set the test set MODE switch to land
after two trails.
the AN/UPM-98 FUNCTION switch to
EMER. Repeat the procedure in
c above.
f. Same as c above.
f. Set the test set FUNCTION switch to
EMER. Repeat the procedure in
c above.
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