![]() TM 11-6625-667-45/NAVSHIPS 0969-249-8010/NAVAIR 16-30APM123-2/TO 33A1-3-367-22
Probable trouble
Corrective measures
a. Check waveform at A10TP4. If normal,
P1 and P3 pulses are not forming or
No pulse are present at test
encode enable IFF1 inoperative.
proceed with e below. If abnormal,
point A16TP1 (ISLS switch
proceed with b below.
ON or OFF) for all MODE
b. Check waveform at A4TP5. If normal,
switch positions.
proceed with c below. If abnormal,
check resistances at A5Q14 and A5Q15.
c. Check waveform at A4TP1. If normal,
proceed with d below. If abnormal,
check socket resistances at transistors
A4Q1 and A4Q2.
d. Check waveform at A4TP2. If normal,
proceed with e below. If abnormal,
oheck resistances at A4Q3 and A4Q4.
e. Replace delay-line module A6DL1.
Gate diode A5CR3---------------- Check diode A5CR3.
P1 pulse rnissing, but P2 and P3
pulses are present at test
point A16TP1.
a. P1 gate-------------------------
During all modes, P1 and P2
If normal, check resistances at transis-
pulses are not present at test
point A16TP1, but P3 pulse is
tor A5Q12. If abnormal, proceed with
b below.
b. MODE switch -------------------- b. Check resistance at transistor A5Q11. If
normal, check continuity of MODE
switch A15S5, section F.
a. P1 emitter follower-----
Check resistances of P1 emitter follower
During one mode,Pl and P2
b. MODE switch contacts.
associated with inoperative mode (mode
pulses are not present at test
point A16TP1 but P3 pulse is
1: A5Ql; mode 2: A5Q2; mode 3: A5Q3;
mode C: A5Q4; or test: A5Q5).
a. P3 gate-------------------------
P3 pulse not present at test
If abnormal proceed with b below. If
point A16TP1.
normal, proceed with c below.
c. P 3 emitter follower---------- c. Check resistance at transistor A5Q8. If
normal, replace gate diode A5CR2.
check waveform at A4TP3. If normal,
Encode line driver ISS1 or SLS de-
only P2 pulse is missing with
lay generator 1SS3.
ISLS switch a t ON and OFF
check resistances at transistors A4Q7 and
A4QS. If abnormal, check resistances at
at test point Al6TP1.
A5Q4 and A5Q5.
P2 modulator driver or diode ACR57- - Check resistances at transistors A5Q17 and
P2 pulse missing at test point
A16TP1 With ISLS switch at
A5Q18; if resistances are normal, check
at OFF, but is present when
it is at ON.
P2 pulse missing at test point
A16TP1 with ISLS switch at
ON, but is present when it is
at OFF.
Encoder enable IFF1 locked in
D E p u l s e m i s s i n g - - - - -Check waveform at A5TP3. If abnormal,
set state, P3 pulse present at
check resistances at A5Q9 and A5QI0. If
test point A16TP1.
normal, check resistances at transistors
A4Q3 and A4Q5.
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