![]() TM 11-6625-667-45/NAVSHlPS 0969-249-8010/NAVAIR 16-30APM123-2/TO 33A1-3-367-22
b. Sguare Wave Oscillator Functioning. Two
responding voltage change is coupled by Q2 to the
saturable-core type square wave oscillator circuits
base of Q1, decreasing the conduction of Q1, and
produce the square wave voltage. Transistors Q1
effectively increasing the voltage drop across it.
and Q2 form one oscillator and transistors Q3 and
A decrease in the input voltage will cause an oppo-
Q4 the other. The operating voltage of the oscil-
site effect. Stage Q3 will conduct less and cause Q1
lator circuits is supplied by the +28-volt input.
to conduct more, and the voltage drop of Q1 will
One transistor in each oscillator conducts and
then decrease. These voltage changes are propor-
tional to the input voltage change. Thus, the
forms the first one-half cycle of the square wave.
The second transistor in each oscillator conducts
emitter voltage of Q1 is maintained at 12 volts.
and forms the second one-half cycle. Oscillation
Regulator diode VR1 serves as overload protec-
tion for Q1. If the regulator output lend increases
depends primarily on the characteristics of trans-
former T1 and the value of the dc voltage input
abnormally, VR1 provides a current path to the
to the transistors. Changes in transistor collector-
input voltage source. Its conduction through resis-
emitter currents, and currents flowing in the pri-
tor R2 decreases the conduction of Q3 and of Q1 in
mary windings of the transformer, cause changes
in transformer flux. This changing flux generates
b. 12-Volt Rcgulator. This regulator uses a
voltages in the feedback and output. windings of
18-volt input from the 150-volt. dc power supply
the transformer. Voltages from the feedback wind-
(module A14). A sing]e transistor stage (Q4) is
ings provide the regenerative action required to
used. which is always conducting through R8. Its
maintain oscillation. The output voltage from the
base bias is regulated by the action of diode CR6
oscillators is a square wave and is coupled by sepa-
and regulator diodes VR4 and VR5. This arrange-
rate windings to the bridge rectifiers.
ment maintains constant emitter conduction
c. 18-Volt and 150-Volt Dc Bridge Rectifier
through R8, which provides a 6-volt drop. Thus,
a regulated 12-volt. out put is taken from the
Functioning. The rectified output of the 18-volt
bridge rectifier is applied to the 12-volt regula-
emitter of Q-1.
tor in module A13. The rectified output of the
150-volt dc bridge rectifier is applied to the trans-
2-17. Dc Power Supply Module A14, 150-
mitter (A16) also used to control the input voltage
Volt, Stage Analysis
d. Input Voltage Regulator Functioning. This
a. General. The 150-volt dc power supply mod-
regulator consists of transistors Q5, Q6, and Q7.
ule is a dc-to-dc converter type find provides 150
It regulates the operating voltage of the saturable-
volts dc and 18 volts dc. Input power for this
core, square wave oscillators. The 150-volt bridge
unit is provided by the +28 volts dc from either
rectifier output is sensed at the base of Q7 through
the 28-volt. power supply or an external 28-volt
source. Two oscillator circuits, containing tran-
resistors R7 and R8. The regulator output is ad-
sistors Q1 through Q4 and common transformer
justed with R8. A change in the 28-volt dc input
T1, generate a square wave voltage. This square
will cause a corresponding voltage change at the
wave voltage is transformer-coupki to two full-
bridge rectifier. A voltage increase causes Q7 to
wave bridge rectifiers. Diodes CR1 through CR4
conduct through R11 and decreases the conduction
form a full-wave bridge rectifier circuit. to provide
of Q5 nnd Q6. Thus, the emitter of Q5 goes low
18 volts dc. Diodes CR5 through CR8 form the
and effectively maintains the 28-volt input to os-
150-volt dc bridge rectifier. Ripple components on
cillator Q3/Q4. A decrease in the X1-volt input
the 150-volt dc line are reduced by a resistive-
will cause the opposite condition. Conduct ion of
capacitive filter circuit composed of resistors R.5
transistor Q7 will decrease, hereby increasing the
and R6 and capacitors C8 and C9. A regulator cir-
conduct ion through Q5 and Q6. The emitter out-
cuit is used to control the 150-volt dc output by
put of Q5 goes high and maintains the 28-volt
controlling the voltage to the square wave
input to the oscillator.
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