![]() TM 11-6625-667-45/NAVSHlPS 0969-249-8010/NAVAIR 16-30APM123-2/TO 33A1-3-367-22
The capacitor and resistors in the base circuit serve
effective result is an RF P2 pulse that has a mini-
the same purpose as described in (2) above for
mum amplitude 10 db below the PI1 and P3 pulses.
With the ISLS switch at ON, the P2 pulse is
directed to the main modulator driver and its RF
amplitude is approximately the same as the other
mitter oscillator (fig. 8-7) is crystal controlled,
pulses. The P2 pulse will appear at the trans-
and produces a 38.14815-mc, continuous wave (cw)
mitter output 2 microseconds after the P1 pulse.
signal. The collector tank circuit, consisting of
transformer A16Tl and capacitors A16C6 and
2-12 Transmitter Section, Stage Analysis
A16C7, is tuned by trimmer capacitor A16C6. The
RF output from A16T1 is coupled by capacitor
a. Modulator.
A16C8 to the control grid of first tripler amplifier
(1) General. The modulator (fig. 2-11) am-
plifies the P1 and P3 pulses and either amplifies
or attenuates the encoder P2 pulse. It then drives
c. First Tripler A16VI and Seccond Tripler
the transmitter RF output stage with these three
pulses. Main modulator A16Q1 and low P2 pulse
have their plate circuits tuned to three times their
modulutor A16Q2 perform these operations. En-
input frequency. The RF output of oscillator
coder pulses are applied to A16Q1 and A16Q2
A16Q3 is coupled to the control grid of A16V1.
when IS1S switch A16S7 is set to OFF, and
The plate tank circuit (T2, C12, and C13) is tuned
to 114.44445 mc (three times the input frequency).
A16Q1 is used only when this switch is set to ON.
The circuits of the two modulator stages are simi-
Trimmer capacitor A16C12 is used to tune the
lar except that A16Q2 has an output level control
tank circuit.. The RF output of A16T2 is coupled
by capacitor A16C14 to the control grid of tripler
A16V2. Its plate tank circuit (T3, C17, and C18)
(2) Main modulator A16Q1. This stage am-
is tuned to 343.33335 me (three times the input
plifies the positive encoder P1 and P3 pulses. It
frequency) : trimmers A16C17 and A16C18 are
also amplifies the positive encoder P2 pulse when
used to tune the primary and secondary of trans-
sidelobe-suppression test is in progress (switch
former A16T3. The secondary of A16T3 couples
A15S7 is ON). The pulses that appears at the
the RF energy to the cathode of cavity tripler
base input are amplified and the resultant nega-
tive pulses are coupled to the transmitter output
stage (A16A1V1 ) cathode. Capacitor . A16C2 at the
d. Cavity Tripler A16A1V1. The cavity tripler
input neutralizes the storage-time delay to im-
prove the risetime of the output pulse, Resistors
signal to be transmitted to the transponder set
A16R3 and A16R4 provide base bias. Resistor
under test. It is a tuned-cavity stage. with electron
A16R2 is a collector load, common to both
tube A16A1V1 housed in the cavity. The cathode
of A16A1V1 iS biased with a positive voltage to
(3) Low P2 pulse modulator A16Q2. This
hold it at cutoff when pulses are not present. The
stage is used when the sidelobe-suppression test is
P1. P2, and P3 negative pulses from the modulator
not in progress (switch A15S7 is at OFF). It is
are applied to the cathode and each pulse causes
a pulse-level-control circuit t that reduces the am-
A16A1V1 to conduct for 0.8 microsecond. The
plitude of the encoder P2 pulse. Control A16R6 is
cavity is tuned to three times the RF input fre-
used to adjust the P2 pulse RF amplitude at the
quency from second tripler A16V2 to produce a
pulsed RF output of 1.030 mc. The frequency is
transmitter out put to at least 10) dbm below that
of the P1 and P3 pulses, The P2 pulses at the
tuned with the FREQ control on the cavity. A
power-level PWR control is also located on the
base input causes A16Q2 to conduct. This conduc-
cavity and is used to adjust the output power level
tion is controlled by control A16R6 in the collector
by changing the Q of the cavity. Power level is
lead which is in series with load resistor A16R2.
preadjusted between 15 and +4 dbm, depending
The pulse amplitude at the junction of these
on the equipment to be tested. Capacitor A16A1
resistors is determined by the setting of A16R6.
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