![]() TM 11-6625-667-45/NAVSHlPS 0969-249-8010/NAVAIR 16-30APM123-9/TO 33A1-3-367-22
tains an emitter-follower stage and an amplifier
at least one reply pulse was not received. A re-
stage and is used to couple and invert the logic
ceived pulse is processed by the receiver section as
information. To eliminate repetition during basic
described in paragraph 2-4. During this test, if a
logic analysis, each type of logic circuit is de-
pulse is not received, read delay DS5 inhibits
scribed in a separate paragraph. Circuits that are
the receiver gate after 150 microseconds. A re-
essentially composed of nonlogic stages are de-
ceived pulse triggers video shaper DSS1, then the
scribed in later paragraphs in terms of stage
error blanking circuit and read delay DSS5 will
gate on the readout gate which, in turn, sets read-
out DFF5. The additional sequence of events is
described in paragraph 2-5e.
vibrators are bistable devices with one stage pro-
viding the 0-output and the other a 1 output. The
2-9. Power Supply Section
assignment of 0 or 1 to a stage is arbitrary, but
The power supply section contains a 28-volt dc
once established, it is carried through the text and
supply, + 12-volt dc supply, 12-volt dc supply,
illusrations. A conducting stage is considered to
and + 150-volt dc supply. The 28-volt supply is
provide a low output and a nonconducting stage
part of the front panel assembly (A15). The +12-
provides a high output. These conditions establish
volt and - 12-volt sources are located on module
the state of the flip-flop. A flip-flop state can be
A13, and the +150-volt supply is located on
selected by either a reset (c} or set input. In the
module A14. All supplies are fed by either the 28-
test set, these inputs are usually negative-going
volt supply or an external 28-volt input.. When the
voltages and may be either the lending edge or
test set is operating with a 115 volts alternating
trailing edge of an input pulse. By definition, a
current (ac) input, the 28-volt supply is switched
reset input is applied to a 0 stage and a set input
into the circuit. by 28 VDC-115 VAC-OFF switch
to a 1 stage, causing its respective output to go
A15S1. Its output. is connected to + 12-volt regu-
high because it stops the conduction of that stage.
lator module A13, + 150-volt power supply
Therefore, when a flip-flop is in a set state, its 1
module A14, and directly to the other test set
output is high and the 0 output is low. When it is in
sections. The 12-volt source is produced by a
a reset state, its 0 output is high and 1 output is
18-volt supply in module A14, which is regulated
low. (Note that the term reset used in this manual
by the 12-volt regulator.
is also known as clear.) Some flip-flops in the test
set have more than one reset or set input and also a
2-10. Basic Logic and Stage Analysis
trigger (or toggle) input. A trigger input causes
The test set contains both digital and nondigital
the flip-flop to assume the opposite state, regard-
circuits. Opeations performed by digital circuits
less of its present state. Figure 2-7 illustrates a
are described by means of basic logic circuit de-
typical flip-flop. The circuit stages are dc cross-
scriptions. Logic symbols and designations (MIL-
coupled by resistors R11 and R14. These resistor
STD-806B) are used in the supporting illusra-
and capacitors C6 and C7 provide the resistance-
tion, with associated switching also shown.
capacitance (rc) constant for switching time.
Circuit elements normally are not shown unless
With the flip-flop in the reset state, transistor Q3
they have special use. Logic circuits used in the
is biased off and not conducting. The collector (0
test set are conventional and all flip-flops, one-
output) potential is high (approaching the +1%
shots, diode ASD gates, and transistor gates are
volt dc input). This potential also holds the base
similar in design. The main differences between
of Q4 high through resistor R11, thereby holding
flip-flops are the number of inputs or outputs that
Q4 in n conducting state. Since Q4 is conducting,
its collector (1 output) potential is low (approach-
are used. The one-shots may prvide either one or
ing ground). This potential is coupled to the base
two outputs. Nondigital circuits, such as conven-
of Q3 by resistor R14 and Q3 is held at. cutoff. A
tional one or two-stage inverters ans emitter fol-
set input. (negative-going voltage) applied to C8
lowers directly associated with logic circuits, are
switches the state of the flip-flop. Transistor Q-1 is
not described in detail. A two-stage inverter con-
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