![]() TM 11-6625-667-45/NAVAIR 16-30APM123-2/TO 33A1-3-367-22
1-1. Scope
utilizing the Maintenance Data Collection
Subsystem (MDCS) IAW OPNAVINST 4790.2,
a. This manual contains general support and
Vol 3 and unsatisfactory material conditions (UR
depot maintenance instructions for Test Set,
submissions) IAW OPNAVINST 4790.2, Vol 2,
Transponder AN/APM-123V. It includes in-
chapter 17.
structions for troubleshooting, testing, aligning,
b. Report o f Packaging and Handling
and repairing the equipment. It also lists tools,
Deficiencies. Fill out and forward SF 364 (Report
materials, and test equipment required for
of Discrepancy (ROD)) as prescribed in AR
general support and depot maintenance, Func-
tional analysis of the equipment is covered in
4355.73/AFR 400-54/MCO 4430.3E.
chapter 2. A schematic diagram of the cable
c. Discrepancy in Shipment Report (DISREP)
required to perform mode 4 checks with the
(SF 361). Fill out and forward Discrepancy in
auxiliary computer is shown in figure 8-46.
S h i p m e n t Report (DISREP) (SF 361) as
p r e s c r i b e d i n A R 55-38 /NAVSUPINST
For equipment modified by MWO
4610.33B/AFR 75-18 MCO 4610.19C/DLAR
11-6625-667-40-1, a visual indicator
light (A15XDS4) to provide a code
1-4. Report Equipment Improvement Recom-
zeroize alarm and protection diode
mendation (EIR)
(A15CR6) to prevent overloading of
the power supply have been added. In
a. Army. I f y o u r equipment needs im-
addition, MWO 11-6625-667-40-2
provement, let us know. Send us an EIR. You, the
changed the prf from 400 pps to 230
user, are the only one who can tell us what you
pps and eliminated the SPI pulse.
dont like about your equipment. Let us know
b. The complete manual for this equipment
why you dont like the design. Tell us why a
publication, TM
procedure is hard to perform. Put it on an SF 368
(Quality Deficiency Report. Mail it to Com-
mander, US Army Communications Electronics
1-2. Indexes of Publication
C o m m a n d , ATTN: DRSEL ME-MQ, Fort
a. DA Pam 310-4. Refer to the latest issue of
Monmouth, NJ 07703. We 11 send you a reply.
DA Pam 310-4 to determine whether there are
b. Air Force. Air Force personnel are en
couraged to submit EIRs in accordance with
new editions, changes, additional publications, or
AFM 900-4.
modification work orders pertaining to the
c. Navy. Navy personnel are encouraged to
submit EIRs through their local Beneficial
1-3. Maintenance Forms, Records, and Reports
Suggestion Program.
a. Reports of Maintenance and Unsatisfactory
1-5. (Army Only) Destruction of Army Materiel
Equipment. Department of the Army forms and
to Prevent Enemy Use
procedures used for equipment maintenance will
Demolition of the test set will be accomplished
be those prescribed by TM 38-750, The Army
Maintenance Management System (Army). Air
only upon the order of the Commander. Refer to
TM 750-244-2 for procedures to prevent the
Force personnel will use AFM 66-1 for main-
tenance reporting and TO-00-35D54 for un-
enemy from using or salvaging this equipment.
satisfactory equipment reporting. Navy per-
sonnel will report maintenance performed
Change 5 1-1
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