TM 11-6625-542-14-1
Table 7-2. Power Supply Voltage Measurements
Control Settings
Step No.
Test equipment
Equipment under test
Test procedure
Performance standard
a. Connect positive lead of
a. None.
Volts range: 500
Null: 1. A, B, C,
pushbuttons ejected.
AN/ USM-98 to ground and
D, E: adjust for
negative lead to top of
R150(18K resistor).
b. Set --150 ADJ control of
b. Reading must be exactly-
AN/ USM-108A to read --150
150 volts.
Same as 1 .........
Same as 1 ................
Connect positive lead of AN/
Voltage reading should
USM-98 to pin 3 of V107 and
be+225 +4.5 volts.
negative lead to ground.
Same as 1 .........
Same as 1 ................
Connect positive lead of AN/
Voltage reading should
Volts range: 50.USM-98 to pin be+350 +7 volts.
6 of V107 and negative lead
to ground.
Same as3 ..........
Same as 1 ................
.a. Connect negative lead of
a. Voltage reading should be-
AN/ USM-98 to cathode, pin 3 15 + 1 volt.
of V393. Connect positive
lead to ground.
b. Voltage reading should be-
b. Place negative lead of
AN/USM-98 to junction of
8 + 1 volt.
R174and R176 (junction is at
the top of R176).
(1) Calibrate the AN/USM-281A as indicated
7-6. Ripple Voltage Measurements
in TM 11-6625-1703-15 prior to using.
a. Test Equipment and Materials Required
(2) On the AN/USM-108A, place a jumper
(1) Oscilloscope AN/USM-281A.
across pins 4 and 6 of 1 MC crystal oscillator Y201.
(2) Variable Transformer CN-16A/U.
Table 7-3. Ripple Voltage measurements
Control Settings
Step No.
Test equipment
Equipment under test
Test procedure
Performance standard
a. Connect negative
a. None.
pushbuttons ejected.
lead of AN/ USM-281A to
sensitivity: .02,
ground and positive lead to
calibrated. Horiz
junction (top) of R150 (18K-
sweep: internal,
ohm) and C144.
X5. Sweeptime:
Ims. Sweep
b Vary CN-16A/U from 105
b. Ripple viewed on
mode: normal.
Trigger slope: +.
to125 volts
oscilloscope should not
Trigger source:
exceed 5 millivolts.
internal CN-
16A/U 117 volts
a. Connect positive lead of
a. None
Same as 1
Same as 1
AN/ USM-281A to pin 3 of
V107 Connect negative lead
to ground.
b. Vary CN-16A/U from 105
b. Ripple viewed on
volts to 125 volts.
oscilloscope should not be
greater than 30 millivolts.
a. None
Same as 1
Same as 1
a. Connect positive lead of
AN/ USM-281A to pin 6 of
V107. Connect negative lead
to ground.
b. Vary CN-16A/U from 105
b. Ripple viewed on
volts to 125 volts.
oscilloscope should not be
greater than30 millivolts.
c. Remove jumper wire
c. None
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