TM 11-6625-542-14-1
6-7. Electron Tube Replacement Techniques
To prevent the discarding of good electron tubes, follow
the procedures given in a through j below when
If a replacement for a bad tube soon becomes
troubleshooting the AN/USM-108A. Refer to figures 6-3
defective, check the adjustment and condition of
and 6-4 for tube locations.
parts in the tube circuit. Otherwise, continued
Inspect all cabling, connectors, and the
tube replacement will result in only temporary
repair, and more serious troubles may result. f.
general condition of the AN/USM-108A before removing
the electron tubes.
If the tube substitution does not correct the
Isolate the trouble, if possible, to a particular
trouble, reinsert the original tubes in the original
circuit. (Use troubleshooting table 6-2 as a guide.)
sockets before forwarding the defective for
If a tube tester is available, remove and test
higher category repair.
Discard tubes when-
one tube at a time. Substitute new tubes only for those
(1) A test by a tube tester or other instrument
that are defective.
shows that they are defective.
If a tube tester is not available, troubleshoot
(2) The tube defect is obvious. For example,
by the substitution method.
the glass envelope is broken or a connecting prong or
(1) Replace one of the suspected tubes with
lead is broken.
a known good tube.
Do not discard tubes merely because the
(2) Check to see whether the circuit is
tubes have been used for a specified length of time.
operative. If the circuit is operative, discard the original
Satisfactory operation in a circuit is the final proof of tube
tube. If the circuit is inoperative, remove the new tube
quality. The tube in use may work better than a new
and reinsert the original tube.
(3) Continue to check the suspected tubes,
Do not discard tubes merely because they fall
using the procedures given in (1) and (2) above, until the
on, or slightly above, the minimum acceptable value
circuits become operative or until all the suspected tubes
when checked in a tube tester. Some new tubes fall
have been checked.
If the circuit is inoperative after the procedure
near the low end of the acceptable range; yet these
outlined in a through d above is completed, continue as
tubes may provide satisfactory performance throughout a
long period of operational life at this near limit value.
Be careful when withdrawing a miniature tube
(1) Replace the suspected tubes, one at a
from its socket. Do not rock or rotate the top when
time, with known good tubes until the circuit becomes
removing it from its socket; pull it straight out. The
operative or until all the suspected tubes are replaced by
external pin and the wire lead sealed in the glass base
new ones. Note the sockets from which the original
are of two different metals that are butt-welded together
tubes were removed. If the circuit begins to operate,
where the pin appears to enter the glass. Rocking or
discard the last tube removed.
rotating the tube causes bending, which tends to break
(2) Reinsert the remaining original tubes,
this weld or causes a resistance or intermittent joint to
one at a time, in the original sockets. If the circuit fails to
operate at any time during this step, discard the original
tube last reinserted. Do not leave a new tube in a socket
if the equipment operates satisfactorily with the original
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