TM 11-6625-549-14-1
output of the five voltage supplies. (See test points and
voltages in paragraph 7-5.) If voltages are abnormal,
If 1 mc output registers on scope, the oscillator
check tubes, then components, paying particular
and amplifier stages are functioning properly.
attention to the metallic rectifier in the faulty circuit.
c. Divider Check.
b. Oscillator Check.
(1) Remove tube V262 from socket.
Be sure oscillator and amplifier circuits are
operating properly before checking the divider
This action removes the divider stages from the
oscillator and multiplier.
Check waveforms and test points a
Place oscilloscope probe into 1
described in paragraph 7-10. Any abnormal waveforms
MICROSECOND output jack and check for 1 mc output.
indicate a defective stage. Refer t0 4 figures 6-1 and 6-2
for pin voltages.
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