TM 11-6625-542-14-1
such value that the input diode will pass one pulse for
10 A SEC Divider
every two pulses at the cathode.
This circuit operates the same way as the 5-microsecond
circuit, except that the time constant components are of
(Located in back of manual.)
described. With the exception of the five second divider,
Other Dividers
each divider contains a cathode follower in its output
The other multivibrator circuits operate in a manner
similar to the 5p sec and 10psec dividers previously
(Located in back of manual)
(Located in back of manual)
rate due to capacitor C752. To overcome a wide range
Pushbutton Switches
in the dc level of the signal, diode V760 is incorporated in
The banana jacks, which are independent of the
the grid circuit of V750B. Resistor R756, along with
switches, receive signals directly from the dividers and
diode V760, holds the grid of V750B at - 7 volts when no
multipliers. The MARKER OUT connector receives
signal is present. When a positive-going signal appears,
signals selected by the pushbutton switches, through a
diode V760 ceases conduction, thus allowing the grid
series isolation resistor for each divider circuit.
and cathode to follow the signal excursion. When the
Trigger Out Connector
signal passes, diode V760 and its associated circuitry
clamp the grid to --7 volts. The pulses at the TRIGGER
The TRIGGER OUT connector receives the individual
OUT connector will always start about +6.5 volts. The
signals of 10w sec, 100, u sec, 1 msec, 10 msec, 100
amplitude of the pulses will depend upon the input signal
msec. These signals are fed to cathode follower V750A
at the grid of V750A.
and are capacitive-coupled to V750B through C752. The
dc level of the signal is a function of the signal repetition
(Located in back of manual)
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