TM 11-6625-542-14-1
fan. Thermal switch K101 is a safety switch connected
5-1. Block Diagram
in series with the primary winding of the power
transformer. In instances of fan failure or high ambient
The various circuits described in this chapter are made
room temperature (above 1280F) K101 will open, thus
with reference to figure 5-1, a functional block diagram of
protecting the instrument from damage due to excessive
the AN/USM-108A, and schematic diagrams (figs. 5-2
heat. The crystal oven will continue to operate when
through 5-8).
K101 opens. When the unit cools, K101 closes and
5-2. Power Transformer.
power is restored to the unit. Fuse F101 is used as a
a. The primary winding of power transformer
protective device against electrical overload in the circuit.
T101 consists of two separate windings. One of the
windings is tapped to furnish voltage to the ventilating
(Located in back of manual)
(Located in back of manual)
b. The secondary winding of T101 consists of
control. When this control is properly adjusted, the
seven separate windings. Three of these windings are
output voltage is exactly --150 volts. Capacitor C163
connected to selenuim rectifier bridges which feed the
filters the output. Variations in the load which tend to
regulated voltage supplies. Regulated voltages of +350,
change the output voltage cause the potential on the grid
+225, and -150 are furnished by the supplies. Voltage
of V144A to change proportionately. An error voltage
sources of --8 and --15 volts are derived from the -150
thus exists between the grids of the difference amplifier.
volts supply.
The error voltage is amplified by V144B and fed directly
to the grids of V157 and V167. The change in potential
5-3. Crystal Oven Transformer
at the grid of these tubes causes a corresponding
Transformer T102 is a separate transformer which
change in voltage at the plates. The voltage at the plates
supplies 6.3 volts ac to a thermostatically controlled
is coupled, in turn, through rectifier CR141 to
crystal oven. Lamp B201 indicates when the oven is on.
compensate for variations in the output voltage and to
Transformer T102 is directly fed from the ac powerline.
cause it to return to the --150 volts level.
Therefore, the ON-OFF power switch has no effect on
5-5. +225 Volts Supply.
the crystal oven control.
The - 150 volts supply is used as a reference voltage for
5-4. - 150 Volts Regulated Reference Voltage
the +255 volts supply. Resistors R135 and R137 drop
The --150 volts regulated power supply is fed from the
the - 150 volts supply to approximately zero on the grid of
185 volt secondary winding across terminals 11 and 12
V124. If the load should change, any tendency of the
of T101. Gas diode tube V149 acts as a reference
+225 volts supply to change correspondingly would
voltage source for the --150 volts supply and maintains a
cause V124 to amplify the change, or error voltage. The
fixed potential of -84 volts on the grid of V144 (one-half
output of V124 is directly coupled to cathode follower
of a difference-amplifier). The triode section of V144 is
V107A. Thus, the amplified error voltage appears on the
connected across voltage divider R141, R142 and R143.
grid of the V107A. Because the cathode of V107A
The potential on the grid of V144A depends upon the
follows the
setting of potentionmeter R143, the --150 volts adjust
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