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TM 11-6625 -537-14-1
b. Ac Measurements (fig. FO-2).
when the maximum voltage for each range is
(1) AC utum mode. The electronic voltmeter
applied to the input terminals. Levels B and C of
operates in the ac vtvm mode when the NULL
NULL switch S3 connect null and range divider
switch is set to VTVM and AC-de polarity switch
R301 through R31O and an opposing O- to 5-volt
is set to AC. Levels I and K of AC-de polarity
dc reference to the converter output. The O- to 5-
switch S5 connect the ac-to-dc converter to the
volt dc reference is obtained from the 500-volt dc
input terminals. The ac-to-dc converter provides
reference supply by levels C, D, G, and H of AC-
a n output of 5 volts dc when the maximum
dc polarity switch S5. The difference between the
voltage for each range is applied to the input
converter output and the reference voltage is
terminals. Levels B and C of NULL. switch S3
developed across the null and range divider.
apply the output of the ac-to-dc converter to null
NULL switch S3A selects the output of the null
and range divider R301 through R31O. A fixed
and range divider and applies it to the dc vtvm
output (1/500) of the null and range divider is
where the difference between the converter output
selected by S5L and applied to the dc vtvm,
and the reference is displayed on the VOLTS
VOLTS meter MI deflects to the right and in-
meter. Full scale deflection of the VOLTS meter
dicates the value of the unknown voltage directly.
corresponds to the setting of the NULL switch
Full scale deflection corresponds to the setting of
multiplied by the AC NULL MULT indicated by
the RANGE switch.
the position of the RANGE switch. The VOLTS
meter deflects to the right when the converter
(2) Ac differential mode. The electronic
voltmeter operates in the ac differential mode
output is greater than the reference voltage. The
when the NULL switch is set to 10, 1, ,1, or .01,
unknown voltage is measured by adjusting the
and the AC-de polarity switch is set to AC. Levels
value of the reference voltage until the VOLTS
I and K of AC-de polarity switch S5 connect the
meter indicates zero deflection. The unknown
ac-to-dc converter to the input terminals. The ac -
voltage is then equal to the reference voltage
to-dc converter provides an output of 5 volts dc
indicated on the front panel readout dials.
5-3. Dc Vtvm
is developed across R206 and coupled to V203A
by C208. Resistor R212  is  the  plate  load  for
V203A. The output of V203A is coupled to V203B
a. General. The dc vtvm consists of a drift-free
by C21O and R214. Negative current feedback
dc amplifier and a meter. The input voltage is
from  the  cathode  of  V203B  is  coupled  to  the
converted to a square wave by a chopper and
cathode of V202 by R211. The output of V203B is
passed through three stages of voltage am-
developed across R215 and coupled to VOLTS
plification. The amplified square wave is syn-
meter Ml by C211. When chopper CK1 provides a
chronously rectified by the chopper and applied
contact across pins 1 and 7 during time tl, the
d i r e c t l y to the VOLTS meter. The amplifier
output of V203B flows through M 1 and feedback
stages use high negative current feedback to
resistors R218 and R219. The voltage actually
increase stability and to reduce changes in gain as
applied to the grid of V202 then is the difference
characteristics of individual tubes change due to
b e t w e e n the input voltage and the feedback
aging. For full-scale deflection, a 0.010 volt input
voltage. The amount of feedback voltage and the
s i g n a l will cause 100 microampere to flow
net gain of the three amplifier stages is adjusted
through the VOLTS meter.
by VTVM GAIN ADJ, R219. Resistor R230 is
b. Operation. The input is passed through
connected in parallel with R218 and R219 by S3D
double section low pass filter R201, C201, R202,
and S5J to increase the net gain of the three
a n d C202. Voltage limiter V201 prevents an
amplifiers in the .O1-ac null range. This com-
overvoltage from being applied to the dc vtvm.
pensates for the change in output impedance of
Resistors R225, R226, ZERO ADJ R227, and
the ac-to-dc converter when NULL switch S3C is
Capacitor C213 electrically zero VOLTS meter MI
set to .01. (See figure FO-2. ) When chopper CK1
by maintaining the input at zero potential with
provides a contact across pins 6 and 7 during time
respect to the filaments of V202 and V203. The
t2, R217 effectively shorts the output of V203B.
input voltage is applied to the grid of V202 by
The chopper therefore acts as a synchronous
R203, C203 and R204. Cathode bias for V202 is
rectifier by allowing only negative going pulses
developed by R207 and C205. The output of V202

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