TM 11-6625-537-14-1
c. Check to see whether the equipment has been
(b) Slit top seam of water-resistant, inner
modified. (Equipment which has been modified
corrugated carton, and open it.
will have the MWO number on the front panel,
(c) Remove technical manuals.
near the nomenclature plate.) Check also to see
(d) Remove equipment from inner carton.
whether all currently applicable MOW's have
(2) Export packaging.
been applied. (Current MWO's applicable to the
(a) Cut and fold back metal straps.
equipment are listed in DA Pam 310-7.)
(b] Remove nails from wooden cover of
packing case with a nail-puller. Do not attempt to
2-3. Installation
p r y off wooden cover; equipment may be
The following installation procedure must
(c) Open moistureproof barrier and expose
be made with the assistance of general
outer corrugated carton.
support maintenance personnel.
(d) Proceed as described in (1) above.
a. The ME-202(*)/U is normally shipped
2-2. Checking Unpacked Equipment
ready for use on 115 volts. If operation on 230
a. Inspect the equipment for damage incurred
volts is required, refer to instruction plate located
d u r i n g shipment. If the equipment has been
on rear of chassis.
damaged, report the damage on DD form 6 (para
b. Make sure that the appropriate fuse is in-
1-3 b).
stalled in the fuseholder on the rear panel (fig. 2-
b. Check the equipment against the component
2); a 1.5 ampere slow-blowing fuse is required for
listing in the operator's manual and the packing
115 volt operation; a 0.75 ampere slow-blowing
slip to see if the shipment is complete. Report all
fuse is required for 230 volt operation.
discrepancies in accordance with the instructions
of TM 38-750. The equipment should be placed in
service even though a minor assembly or part that
does not affect proper functioning is missing.
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