![]() TM 11-6625-3017-14
Connect the voltmeter to the OUTPUT terminals.
A.M. and l.f. response
Turn the DE-EMPHASIS switch to 75 sec, the
Test equipment: j and k
Function switch to DEV+ and the MAX MOD FREQ
On the a. m. detector unit (All) disconnect the links
to 200 kHz.
from pins 17 and 18. Then connect the signal
source between pins 18 and 10 (earth).
Set the signal source frequency to 100 Hz and
adjust its output level to give a suitable reference
Turn the % A. M. RANGE switch to 100% and the
deflection on the output voltmeter.
Function switch to A. M. PEAK.
Vary the signal source frequency, keeping the
Connect one voltmeter across the OUTPUT
output level constant, and check that the response
relative to the 100 Hz reference is within 1 dB of:
terminals and another to monitor the signal source
-3 dB at 2. 1 kHz.
Set the signal source frequency to 10 kHz and its
-16.9 dB at 15 kHz.
output to give a reading of 100% on the TF 2300A
meter. Note the reference level on the output
Repeat step (5) with the DE-EMPHASIS switch set
to 50 sec and check that the response is within L.
dB of:
Vary the signal source frequency, keeping the level
constant, between 30 Hz and 50 kHz and note that
-3 dB at 3. 15 kHz.
the reading on the output voltmeter is flat to within
-16.9 dB at 22.5 kHz.
0. 25 dB of the reference level.
Switch off the TF 2300A, remove the test
Range attenuator
equipment and replace the link between A11 pins
17 and 18.
Test equipment: j and k
Discriminator trigger
(1) Connect the signal source as in step (1) of
Test equipment: a
Connect the voltmeter to monitor the signal source
With the modulation meter switched off disconnect
the lead from pin 2 on the discriminator unit (A5)
and connect the multimeter to the collector of A5Q2
Turn the DEV RANGE switch to 5 kHz and the DE-
(or Q3).
EMPHASIS switch to OFF.
Switch on and adjust A5RVl to a point where the
Set the signal source frequency to 1 kHz and adjust
circuit is at change of state, i.e. multimeter either
its output to give full-scale deflection on the TF
reads 0 V or 15 V. When the potentiometer is
2300A meter.
adjusted the voltage will jump either to 15 V or 0 V
from the original reading. Set to a position just
Turn the DEV RANGE switch to 15 kHz. Increase
before it jumps.
the signal source output by 10 dB and note that the
meter reads within 1l% of full-scale.
Transfer the meter to pin 7 (i. e. test point adjacent
to RV1). Note the voltage and decrease it by 0.5 V
Repeat step (5) for the 50, 150 and 500 kHz
by rotating RV1 counter-clockwise. Check that the
deviation ranges.
output waveform at the output terminals of the
instrument is free from spurious pulses. Switch off
Switch off the TF 2300A, remove the test
the TF 2300A and reconnect pin 2.
equipment and reconnect the yellow lead to the
discriminator output.
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