![]() TM 11-6625-3017-14
The oscillator takes about two minutes to
2.10.4 Use above 1000 MHz
stabilize after turning on, but this is only of any
significance at very high frequencies.
It is possible to use the instrument above 1000
MHz using internal or external oscillator.
2.10.2 Crystal-controlled oscillator
With either the variable or crystal controlled
oscillator, higher harmonics are sufficiently present to
Plug in a crystal of the required frequency as
cover the range 1000 to 1600 MHz without loss of
selected in section 2.15.
sensitivity. For 1000 to 1400 MHz, use range 7 with a
scale indication of half the wanted frequency (500 - 700
Select the appropriate position on the RANGE
MHz). Similarly, for 1400 to 1600 MHz use part of range
switch and set the oscillator dial to the crystal frequency.
8 (700 - 800 MHz).
Set the CRYSTAL selector to the crystal position
Using a suitable external oscillator the carrier
frequency range can be extended to about 2500 MHz,
but the sensitivity may deteriorate.
Slight tuning on position TUNE OSCILLATOR of
the. Function switch may be necessary to obtain
maximum sensitivity at the higher frequencies. DQ not
tune far off the original setting to avoid any possibility of
The instrument can accept signals in the band 1
mode jumping.
to 2 MHz, applied directly to R. F. IN, with the oscillator
switched off. Input sensitivity is the same as usual.
Proof that the oscillator is under crystal control
Ensure the modulation frequency does not take the
can be obtained by setting the Function switch to SET
frequency beyond the band limits quoted, so as to avoid
FREQ and rocking the tuning control. If the oscillator is
introducing distortion caused by the reduced gain outside
under control the meter reading will not vary.
the pass band.
In general, the tuning control is set to the
Operating the instrument in this way cuts out the
required oscillator frequency, but provided the crystal
frequency inversion caused by the heterodyne system
frequencies do not differ too widely, any of the crystals
normally used. The polarity of the DEV + and DEV -
can be selected without re-setting the tuning control
positions of the Function switch is therefore reversed.
between selections.
2.10.3 External oscillator
If a stable frequency source is available, it may
The presence of asymmetric modulation usually
be preferable to use it rather than the internal oscillator.
indicates distortion in the equipment under test, and is
Feed the external oscillator signal into the EXT OSC
revealed by unequal meter readings when the Function
socket and turn the RANGE-switch to EXT. An input
switch is turned between PEAK and TROUGH or DEV+
level of 100 mV into 50 n is required at a frequency 1.5
and DEV-.
MHz above the input signal frequency.
To make sure that the asymmetry is due to the
The primary use of this facility is for measurement on
input signal, and not introduced by the instrument, retune
r. f. signals which contain harmonics of less than 20 dB
the oscillator to the lower peak, 1.5 MHz below the
down on the fundamental.
Because the internal
carrier frequency: If the asymmetry is reversed, i.e., the
oscillator signal also contains harmonics, mixing two
original DEV + reading now appears at DEV -, and vice
such signals can give rise to spurious results. A 'pyre'
versa, the asymmetric modulation can be attributed to
local oscillator signal prevents this happening.
the input signal.
Secondly, if an external crystal oscillator is available,
it may be preferred to use this, rather than to crystal
In position SET FREQ, the output from a counter
control the local oscillator, for low level noise
circuit in the limiter is measured by the meter. When the
meter indicates SET, the i. f. is centered on 1.5 MHz
exactly. If modulation
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