![]() TM 11-6625-3017-14
Supplementary Information
Deviation range:
Six ranges with full scale
indications of 1.5, 5, 15, 50,
150 and 500 kHz. Positive or
negative deviation indication
selected by a switch.
Modulation frequency:
30 Hz to 200 kHz on all ranges
except the 1. 5 kHz deviation
range which is limited to 30 Hz
to 3.4 kHz.
+3% of f. s. d. for deviations up
to 500 kHz and modulating
frequencies between 30 Hz and
150 kHz, 5% of f. s.d. on the
1.5 kHz deviation range.
+10% of f. s. d. for deviations up
Typically +5% of f. s. d.
to 500 kHz and for modulating
frequencies between 150 kHz and
200 kHz.
A.M. rejection:
Additional deviation error
typically less than 150 Hz in a
15 kHz bandwidth when the a. m.
depth is 80% and the modulating
frequency is 1 kHz.
Inherent noise:
Deviation less than -70 dB relative
to a level of 50 kHz deviation in a
15 kHz bandwidth when the local
oscillator is crystal controlled.
A.M. measurement
Carrier frequency range:
4 to 350 MHz.
Mod. depth range:
Two ranges with full-scale
Maximum usable reading: 95%.
indications of 30% and 100%.Peak
and trough indications selected by
a switch.
+3% of f. s. d. for modulating
frequencies between 30 Hz and
15 kHz, and modulation depths
up to 80%. +5% of f. s. d. for
modulating frequencies between
30 Hz and 50 kHz, and modulation
depths up to 95%
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