![]() TM 11 6625-3017-14
The TF 2300A Modulation Meter is primarily for
normally made by means of the meter readout, i. f. and
measurement of f.m. deviation but it also measures a.m.
demodulated outputs are available at the front panel for
depth. With its wide range of deviation frequency,
examination or analysis.
instrument is suitable for application to fixed and mobile
Spurious a.m. and f.m. due to hum and noise are
point-to-point communications, broadcasting, telemetry
kept to a level insignificant for most applications but,
and multi-channel link equipment in the h. f., v. h. f.
where required, crystals can be switched in to control the
and u. h. f. bands. Distortion and channel separation
local oscillator, or an external local oscillator may be
tests on f.m. stereo receivers and transmitters can also
used. The instrument can be operated without a local
be made.
oscillator for measurements in the 1-2 MHz range.
Positive and negative f.m. deviation can be
The instrument can be operated from mains power
measured in ranges from 1. 5 kHz to 500 kHz full- scale
or a nominal 24 V battery. Voltage regulation eliminates
at modulation frequencies between 30 Hz and 3.4 kHz
transformer tap changing except between 115 V and 230
on the 1.5 kHz deviation range, and 30 Hz and 200 kHz
V ranges. On battery, the regulation compensates for
on all other deviation ranges. A.M. depth can be
battery voltage variations between 21.5 and 30 V.
measured up to 95% in a 30 Hz to 15 kHz modulation
Transistorized circuits consuming little current give
bandwidth. Either f.m. or a.m. can be measured in the
reasonable length of operation on battery for mobile
presence of the other. Although measurements are
Fig. 1-1. FM/AM Modulation Meter ME-505/U
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