![]() Defective selector switch contact.
Rotate each selector switch knob
and reset to test position.
Check continuity through the
appropriate section of each
Adjust defective contact; replace
switch if necessary.
R113, R134, (TV7A/U, serial
Meter reading beyond full scale
Replace defective resistor.
when pushbutton 4--GAS 1 is de-
numbers 12019492), R135
(TV-7B/U, TV-7D/U) open.
R128 or R141 (TV-7D/U, F po-
Meter reading increases several
Replace defective resistor.
units when pushbutton 5-GAS
sition of FUNCTION
2 is depressed.
SWITCH), open.
Replace defective resistor.
Meter does not indicate when push-
R103, R119, R127A at end oppo-
button 6-OZ4 is depressed.
site R127A, B junction, or
R127B open.
Check T101; replace if necessary.
Open secondary No. 2 or 7 of
Defective selector switch contact.
Rotate each selector switch knob
and reset to test position.
Check continuity through the
appropriate section of each
Adjust defective contact; re-
place switch if necessary.
R112 open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Replace R112.
Meter reading beyond full scale
when pushbutton 6-OZ4 is de-
Meter does not indicate when push-
R103, R106, R127A at end oppo-
Replace defective resistor.
button 7--RECT. is depressed.
site R127A, R127B junction, or
R127B open.
Open secondary No. 7 of T101.
Check T101; replace if necessary.
Defective selector switch contact.
Rotate each selector switch knob
and reset to test position.
Check continuity through the
appropriate section of each
Adjust defective contact; replace
switch if necessary.
Meter reading beyond full scale
R112 open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Replace R112.
when pushbutton 7--RECT. is
Meter reading abnormally high
Redress the leads from all of the
Test circuit is oscillating . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(full scale or beyond) when test-
test sockets until correct read-
ing some high-gain eletron
ing is obtained.
Note. This may correct the trouble
of only a particular tube rather than
all high-gain tubes. Several types of
high-gain tubes should be tested and
the test socket leads redressed until
each tube tests correctly.
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