TM 11-6140-224-13&P
Table 5-1. Direct Support Troubleshooting Chart - Continued
Low storage battery voltage.
Electrical leakage.
Test in accordance with paragraph 4-9. If
readings are above 1 volt, battery must be
cleaned. Remove control module, then wash
battery with clean water and dry thoroughly.
Check leakage value before reassembling
One or more unbalanced or defective
Charge at 200 mA for 20 hours. Read open
circuit voltage, which shall be above 26 volts.
Discharge at 1.2A through 20 ohms, 50 watt
resistor minimum cutoff is 1 hour. Charge at
200 mA for 20 hours. If battery does not
recover after 3 cycles, or low voltage is pre-
sent indicating a shorted cell, it should be
discarded. Salvage spare parts for use in
other batteries.
No capacity
Defective pressure switch preventing
Charge at 200 mA for 20 hours. Periodically
monitor current on PP-6148/U to assure that
pressure switch does not prematurely terminate
charge. Premature cutoff of charge after only 2
or 3 hours would indicate a defective pressure
switch. Remove the plug on the control module.
Gain access to the two pressure switches (refer
to fig. 5-1) by removing the control module and
the 6 pin connector. Use an ohmmeter to check
which switch is in the open position. Grasp
metal barrel of pressure switch and turn the cap
counterclockwise 1/4 turn to release internal
pressure. Tighten pressure switch and again
check switch contacts with an ohmmeter. If
switch is still open, battery should be discarded.
If switch is closed, reassemble top connector and
control module, then charge battery at 3A and
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