TM 11-6140-224-13&P
If no flame is present allow battery to cool and ventilate battery box. If necessary a water spray may be used to
cool the battery box.
If flame is present, use a C02 fire extinguisher.
3-6. Functioning of the BB-5421U
The application of electrical energy to the storage battery (charging) causes the storage of a corresponding amount of
chemical energy within its plates; the storage of chemical energy is accomplished through changes in the composition of
the plate materials. When an electrical load is connected to the storage battery (discharging), the stored chemical energy is
converted into a flow of electrical current through the load. In a sealed nickel-cadmium storage battery the specific gravity
of the electrolyte cannot be measured to give an indication of the state of charge.
Charging. When the charging current (electrical energy) is applied to the storage battery, the cadmium-oxide
material of the negative plates gradually becomes metallic cadmium. The nickel oxide material of the positive plates is
brought to a higher state of oxidation. These changes (in both sets of plates) continue as long as the charging current is
applied. Toward the end of this process, the cell generates gas because of the evolution of oxygen at the positive plates. At
low rates of overcharge, i.e., 200mA, all the oxygen generated at the positive reacts with the negative electrode to maintain
the composition of the components of the cell unchanged. The steady state pressure reached within the cells is very low.
At higher rates of overcharge, i.e., 3A, enough pressure can be rapidly generated to cause cell venting if the charge is not
stopped soon enough after overcharge and oxygen generation begins. In the BB-542/U the amount of overcharge is
controlled by measuring the pressure in 2 of the cells of the battery and automatically terminating the charge once a
pressure of approximately 10 psig is reached in one of the two control cells. When the battery stands, its internal pressure
drops so that the pressure switches will cycle the charging current off and on If the battery is not removed from the
charging source.
Discharging. When a load is connected to the storage battery, a reverse chemical action is immediately initiated.
The positive plates gradually return to a state of lower oxidation, and the negative plates change from metallic cadmium to
cadmium oxide. During this process, the amount of chemical energy that is converted to current flow is determined
principally by the resistance of the load. In order to prevent reversal of any cells during deep discharge, the BB-542/U is
equipped with an internal discharge cutoff which will automatically disconnect the battery from the load when the battery
voltage falls to 20 volts. The battery will remain disconnected until a charging source of 28 volts, or higher, is connected to
the battery.
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