secure remote terminal line and is shown in figure
(1) Black Test Patch Cord. The black test
cord is identified by the plug ends. One end has
(3) Red Test Plug. The red test plug is used
three pins and the other nine pins. It is used for
to loop back a remote terminal signal as shown in
looping back the AMME signal as shown in figure
the diagram, figure 3-4C and D.
b. BERT Patching. When the BERT is used for
(2) Red Test Patch Cord. The red test cord is
identified by the plug ends. One end has three pins
troubleshooting, as described in chapter 4, it is
connected and patched into the system as shown in
and the other has five pins. It is used in con-
figure 3-5.
junction with the red test plug for looping back a
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