TM 11-5895-878-14&P
Trouble Symptom
Probable trouble
Check and corrective maintenance
b. K1 relay coil open.
b. If voltage is found on the CR1 terminal,
check K1 relay for a possible open coil
Use a multimeter set on the 1000 scale,
check the coil relay of K1. An ohm
reading of approximately 700 ohms is
normal. It will be necessary to ensure
that the voltage is removed from K1
before making this check.
No audible alarm when a
a. CR1 shorted.
a. Use a multimeter, adjusted to 10 scale,
power supply is known to be
reverse bias CR1. This test should
show to an open circuit. Any reading
on the multimeter will indicate a
defective diode.
b. Ground not being extended through
b. See (1) and (2) below.;
K1 contacts.
(1) Check TB 1 pin 1 for signal ground.
This ground is extended to the
Power Supply Alarm panel from the
distribution panel.
(2) Check K1 relay contacts 5 and 6 for
continuity by checking for ground of
contacts 5 and 6. If ground is found
on 5 but not 6 the contacts need to
be burnished and adjusted in
accordance with manufacturer's
Audible Alarm sounding with-
a. Lamp L1 burned out.
a. Using a lamp extractor tool (WECO
out L1 being illuminated.
553A or equal) remove L1 from its
socket and check for continuity, using
a multimeter adjusted to the 10 scale.
b. Ground not being extended through
b. Remove the wire frame TB1 pin 5.
K1 relay contacts.
Check K1 relay contact pins 8 and 9 for
ground. If ground is found on pin 8 but
not 9 the contacts need to be burnished
and adjusted in accordance with
manufacturer's specifications.
Circuit Number -two on this panel can be checked in a manner similar to 1, 2, and 3 above.
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