TM 11-5895-878-14&P
the remote stations or the cognizant master station, for
3-9. Troubleshooting Responsibilities
rendering assistance in restoring service.
a. Technical Controller.
d. Maintenance Personnel. After faults have been
(1) The technical controller at the station
located and identified, maintenance personnel are
receiving a fault notification is responsible for
responsible for effecting necessary repairs and
determining the source of channels outages or
maintenance in accordance with appropriate technical
interruptions, and for the expeditious restoration of
manuals pertinent to the particular item of faulty
channels to minimize the loss of effective operating
(2) When a degraded condition or other
3-10. Troubleshooting Practices
trouble is encountered at a given station, the technical
controller of that station coordinates with distant
a. Fault Notification. Technical controllers are
stations, local users, and associated transmitting and
alerted to actual, or impending circuit outages by means
receiving elements in his efforts to isolate and locate the
of alarm indicator displays, by notification from the user
fault. He has primary responsibility for this action, and
of circuit deterioration or failure by a distant station
must receive full cooperation from all other station
technical controller, and as the result of testing and
technical controllers involved. When it is determined
that the fault is located at a distant station, or in a link
(1) The supervisory alarm subsystem provides
serving an area beyond that station, responsibility for
an alarm when failure occurs in various equipment and
locating and correcting the fault is transferred to, and
systems at the site, as a CAU, CCU, station clock, fuse
assumed by, the station technical controller primarily
panels, or the dc power system. When alerted to an
abnormal condition by an alarm, the technical controller
and maintenance personnel must perform systematic
b. User. The user is responsible for notifying the
step-by-step monitoring, or testing of the system
responsible technical controller of all instances of
segments into, through, and out of the station, in order
service degradation evidenced by high data error rates,
to isolate the fault(s) to specific areas and/or
occasional noise bursts into the voice channels serving
Once the trouble is defined, faulty
him, or other indications of unsatisfactory conditions.
equipment can be repaired, adjusted, or replaced, as
The user renders free cooperation to the technical
controller in the correction of service degradation.
(2) In other instances, user service is affected
c. Communications Command Operations Center
by degraded circuit conditions. Such conditions do not
activate the supervisory alarms, and consist of sporadic
(1) The CCOC monitors the progress of the
noise bursts in the circuit data error rates, or incorrect
station technical controllers in their troubleshooting
channel levels. Usually, these problems are brought to
efforts, but under normal circumstances, does not
the attention of the technical controller by the user. The
actively engage in the isolation of a fault. If however,
technical controller performs monitoring and testing
the station technical controllers encounter difficulties
routinely, as circumstances permit. However, when
and cannot restore service within a reasonable period of
notified of degrading circuit conditions by the user, other
time, the CCOC is responsible for assuming the overall
technical controllers, or maintenance personnel,
direction of the corrective actions, for providing a
monitoring and testing of the degraded circuit should be
workable solution to the problem, and for keeping circuit
initiated immediately in order to isolate and correct the
outage time to an absolute minimum.
cause of the trouble. For this purpose, the patch bays
(2) Troubles encountered on multichannel or
(test and monitor jack appearances) located in the Patch
multilink circuits often are of an accumulative nature
and Test areas, provide a means of sequential access to
and present a complicated condition for resolution. To
circuits and patching of the circuits to the QA test
determine the cause, or causes of such a condition,
special link and segment tests may be required. The
CCOC is responsible for determining the requirements
must use every means at his disposal to restore
for such special tests on the basis of station reports.
disrupted service as expeditiously as possible. These
The CCOC coordinates the tests, collects and analyzes
means, when available, should be used in the following
the results, and directs remedial actions as necessary.
order of priority:
(3) Unless there are definite indications of a
(1) If a spare channel is available, the
major abnormality the CCOC normally does not take
technical controller should patch the user circuit or
immediate action to inquire about circuit conditions,
group into the spare (figs. 3-1 through 3-3) while
since continuous inquiries by the CCOC impedes the
isolating and correcting the defective equipment.
troubleshooting and fault correction actions of the
(2) If a fault is identified within an item of
station technical controller and maintenance personnel.
equipment for which a standby or spare is available, the
The CCOC is responsible, however, for investigating
outages which have not been cleared after a reasonable
period off time, or if no explanation has been made by
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