TM 11-5895-878-14&P
controller has access to all circuits entering or leaving
and receives from the relieved technical controller a list
his station by means of the various jackfields in the
of tasks, arranged in order of priority, which were not
patch and test areas. Test equipment is provided in the
completed during the preceding shift. The relieving
test bays. to permit measurement. of levels and circuit
technical controller proceeds with the accomplishment
quality. In the course of his duties, the technical
of these tasks. When a task is completed, the next
controller frequently has a need to coordinate with, or
highest priority task is started, or if the list is completed,
assist, maintenance personnel. This requirement occurs
routine monitoring of circuits is begun. Any alarm, or
during trouble isolation, patching out equipment for
other precedence item, interrupts the routine activity of
maintenance, test and analysis, and other similar tasks.
the technical controller. Precedence occurrences are as
b. Tasks. The technical controller has, as his
responsibility, tasks which are routine, as well as priority,
(1) Equipment alarm.
in nature. A task list is maintained by the technical
(2) Signal alarm.
controller. Priorities of tasks are assigned, and are
(3) Request for an on-call patch.
accomplished. in order of priority. Precedence work
(4) User complaint.
tasks may develop from equipment alarms, signal
(5) Request for assistance from a distant
alarms, fuse alarms, on-call patch, requests from distant
technical control.
controllers, user complaints, direction from higher
authority, or return of equipment from maintenance.
(6) Direction from a higher authority.
The tasks of the technical controller are categorized as
(7) Completion of maintenance activity.
d. Coordination.
The technical controller
(1) Assign priorities to work task in
investigates all user complaints, cooperates with other
accordance with circuit priority and action precedence.
technical controllers in rectifying troubles, and in the
(2) Monitor
case of problems affecting service, keeps the users
performance and act on alarms.
informed of the status of their circuits. A considerable
amount of coordination is required between the
(3) Evaluate circuit/equipment status.
technical controller and station maintenance personnel.
(4) Coordinate with. users, other technical
In-station patching during trouble isolation, release to
controllers, maintenance personnel, and investigate any
maintenance, return from maintenance, equipment
other factors affecting service.
substitution, and other similar activities requires
(5) Test and analyze equipment/circuit
cooperation among operators and maintenance,
technicians. Use of the jackfields and test instruments,
(6) Substitute
located in the patch and test area, for monitoring and
testing very often requires the assistance of the
(7) Record status.
maintenance technician to set up the test and analyze
the results. Procedures for patching operations, testing
(8) Report status to affected parties.
and monitoring, and some examples of each are
(9) Restore facilities after maintenance or
described in the following paragraphs.
c. Order of Priority. The technical controller, at the
start of the shift, reviews the previous shift log entries
3-5. Purpose of Patching
and/or channels usually locates the fault. Often, it is
Patching is defined as the rearrangement of the
possible to patch out all station equipment is one
electrical interconnections among items of station
patching operation, establishing quickly whether the
equipment by means of patchcords and jackfields.
fault is in any of the local station's equipments. Once a
channel or equipment has been patched out, test
a. Service Restoration.
The various patching
equipment is employed to evaluate circuit performance
facilities provided in the station technical control area
and to localize the fault.
enable the technical controller to take positive action to
restore service when a circuit failure has been localized
c. Service
to his station. Such restoration action consists of
Preventive maintenance routines require periodic quality
bypassing the defective equipments and substituting like
control tests (section V) and adjustments of channels
equipments from the complement of operational spares
and station equipment. When it is necessary to conduct
and, similarly, substituting spare, or lower priority,
such tests on assigned channels or equipments, service
channels for those degraded or inoperative.
substitution of equipment usually involves only a local
Troubleshooting and corrective maintenance (section III)
patching operation, while substitution of channels
requires that the defective equipment be disconnected
requires a coordinated patching operation at the distant
from the circuit and a spare substituted.
substitution is accomplished by patching.
b. Fault Isolation by Substitution, Substitution of
d. .Operational Spares.
Operational spare
station equipment and channels by patching operations
facilities consist of spare multiplex channels and
is a valuable fault isolation technique.
A logical
selected items of equipment cross-connected into
procedure of successive substitutions of equipment
specific spare configurations.
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