TM 11-5895692-24P
05-203-14, Engine, Gasoline, 6 HP, Military
Standard Models, DOD 4A032-1, NSN 2805-00-
0483; DOD Model 4A032-2, NSN 2805-00- 068-
direct support level.
D -Reparable item. When beyond lower level repair
TM 5-2805-2Equipment and Appliances; Inspections,
capability, return to depot. Condemnation and
Opera-03-24P, Engine, Gasoline, 6 HP, Military,
disposal not authorized repair capability, return
and Preventive Maintenance. Standard Models;
to depot. Condemnation and disposal not
DOD Model 4A032-1 (NSN 2805-00-776-0483)
authorized below depot level.
c. National Stock Number. Indicates the National
and DOD Model 4A032-2 (NSN 2805-00-068-
stock number assigned to the item and will be used for
TM5-4520-232-14, Heater, Space, Multi-Fuel
requisitioning purposes.
W/Blower; 15, 000 BTU/Hour, 120V, 60 Hertz, 3.
d. Part Number. Indicates the primary number
5 Amp (Hunter Model UH-48, Type 1) FSN
used by the manufacturer (individual, company firm,
corporation, or Government activity), which controls the
TM 5-6115-271-14, Operator/Crew, Organizational,
design and characteristics of the item by means of its
Intermediate (Field) (Direct and General Sup-
engineering drawings, specifications, identify an item or
port) and
range of items.
Generator Set, Gasoline Engine Driven, Skid
Mounted, Tubular Frame, 3 KW, 3 Phase, AC,
a stock-numbered item is
120/208 and 120/240 V, 28V DC (Less Engine),
requisitioned, the repair part received
DOD Model MEP-016A, 60 Hertz, NSN 6115-
may have a different part number than
00017-8237; DOD Model MEP-021A, 400 Hertz,
the part being replaced.
NSN 6115-00-017-8237; DOD Model MEP-
e. Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer (FSCM).
021A, 400 Hertz, NSN 6115-00-017-8238 and
The FSCM is a 5-digit numeric code listed in SB 708-42
DOD Model MEP-026A, DC Hertz, NSN 6115-
which is used to identify the manufacturer, distributor, or
Government agency etc.
TM 5-6115-271-24P, Organizational, Intermediate
f. Description. Indicates the Federal item name
(Field) Direct Support, General Support, and
and, if required, a minimum description to identify
Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special
g. Unit of Measure (U/M). Indicates the standard of
Tools List: Generator Set, Gasoline Engine
the basic quantity of the listed item as used in the item.
Driven, Skid Mounted, Tubular Frame, 3 KW, 3
performing the actual maintenance function.
Phase, AC, 120/208 and 120/240 V, 28V DC
measure is expressed by a two-character alphabetical
(Less Engine), DOD Model MEP-016A, 60 Hertz,
abbreviation (e.g., ea., in, pr, etc.). When the unit of
NSN 6115-00-017-8237; MEP-021A, 400 Hertz,
measure differs from the unit of issue, the lowest unit of
NSN 6115-00-017-8238; MEP-026A, 28V DC,
issue that will satisfy the required units of measure will
NSN 6115-00-017-8239.
be requisitioned.
TM9-2320-212-20P, Truck, Ambulance; 3/4-Ton,
h. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. Indicates the
4x4, M43 WO/W (2310-835-8516); M43 W/W
quantity of the item used in the breakout shown on the
(358617); M43B1 WO/W (2310-542-4634); .
illustration figure, which is prepared for a functional
Truck Cargo: 3/4-Ton, 4x4, M37 WO/W (2320-
group, subfunctional group, or an assembly.
8358322); M37 W/W (2320-8358323); M37B1
4. Special Information
WO/W (2320-542-4636); M37B1 W/W (2320-
The following publications pertain to the AN/MSQ-85 and
542-4632); Truck, Maintenance: 3/4-Ton, 4x4,
its components:
M201 WO/W (2320-835-8583), W/W (2320-392-
SB 11-584, Photographic Projection Screens BM-10A
3703), M201B1 W/W (2320-630-6801).
and B-23
TM 9-2320-212-34P, Truck, Cargo: 3/4-Ton, 4x4, M37
TM 3-4230-204-12&P, Decontaminating Apparatus,
WO/W (2320-835-8322), M37 W/W (2320-835-
Portable, DS, 1 Quart, ABC-M11(NSN 4320-
8323); M37B1 WO/W (2320-542-4636); M37B1
W/W (2320-542-4632); Truck, Ambulance: 3/4-
TM 5-687, Repair and Utilities: Fire Protection
Ton, 4x4, M43 WO/W (2310-835-8516); M43
Equipment and Appliances: Inspections,
W/W (2320-8358617) ; M43B1 WO/W (2310-
Operations, and Preventative Maintenance.
542-4634); Truck, Maintenance: 3/4-Ton, 4x4,
M201 WO/W (2310835-8583); M201 W/W
(2320-392-3703); M201B1 W/W (2320-630-
TM 11-2332-20, Projector PH-222-C and Projector, Still
Picture AP-9(1).
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