TM 11-5895-555-24
5-3. ZEROIZE Switch SW-3
5-1. Scope
The Zeroize Switch (SW-3) is a two-position
This chapter contains a detailed description of
locking toggle, is located under a spring-loaded
circuits that comprise Control Indicator C8157/
cover and is normally in the OFF (down) posi-
tion. Switch SW-3 will be placed in the ON (up)
a. The control indicator will be installed in
position only during emergency situations. When
aircraft whenever TSEC/KY28 is installed, and
SW-3 is placed in the ON position, +28 volts
is used to control the output of Radio Set AN/
dc is applied to the TSEC/KY28 Cipher equip-
ARC54 (or equivalent) as to the mode of opera-
ment through pin C of J1 and P1 and the air-
craft wiring harness.
b. The installation of Control Indicator C-
8157/ARC controls the output of the radio set
5-4. PLAIN-CIPHER Switch SW-1
in either plain or cipher mode of operation.
Switch SW1 is used to supply either plain or
cipher mode of communications. It is a single-
MWO 115821-244-30/2, 1.2 September
throw, double-pole switch.
1966, must be applied to Radio Set AN/
ARC-54 when used with the TSEC/KY-
a. Plain Mode. With switch SW1 in the
28 Cipher equipment and C-8157/ARC
PLAIN position, pins 1 and 2 of SW1 make
for (X) mode operation.
contact, causing the red lamp (L2) to light and
applies +28 volts dc potential to the receive
5-2. Power Control CB-1
plain-cipher control of the TSEC/KY28 cipher
The power control (CB1) is a circuit breaker
equipment through pin J of J1 and PI.
which doubles as a POWER ON switch. Circuit
b. Cipher Mode. With switch SW1 in the
breaker CB1 applies +28 volts dc to the control
CIPHER position, pins 2 and 3 of SW1 make
indicator. The +28 volts is supplied from the
contact, causing the green lamp (L3) and the
aircraft +28 volt dc bus through the aircraft
reroute lamp (if used) to light through pin G
harness, connector P1, and pin A of J1. The +28
of J1 and P1. Ground potential is also applied
volts dc through CB1 is applied to pin 2 of
through contacts 3 and 1 of SW1 to the receiver
PLAINCIPHER switch SW-3, and pin B of J1.
plain-cipher control of the TSEC/KY28 cipher
Pins E and F of J1 connect from the ground
equipment along with the high side of indicator
bus of the aircraft and are tied to ground return
lamp L2, to pin J of J1 and P1.
to the TSEC/KY-28 Cipher equipment. Pin D
of J1 connects from system ground to ground,
5-5. REG-RE-X Switch SW-2
REG/RE-X switch SW-2, and pin 2 of PLAIN-
CIPHER switch SW-1.
Switch SW2 is a two position locking toggle
switch and is used whenever retransmission is
1. Circuit breaker CB-1 must be in the
necessary. Switch SW2 is normally in the REG
ON position to have any output from
position, which allows either plain or cipher com-
associated radio equipment.
2. External wiring is not part of Con-
a. REX Position. When switch SW-2 is in
trol Indicator C-8157/ARC (fig. 8-
the RE-X (closed) position, a ground potential
is applied to the TSEC/KY-28 cipher equipment
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