TM 11-5895-555-24
craft or radio console will be dependent
2-1. Installation of Control Indicator
on the configuration of that equipment.
To install the control indicator in an aircraft or
Refer to the appropriate configuration
radio console, proceed as follows:
manual for location information.
a. Assure the main power switch of the air-
The mounting is installed in the aimraft or radio
craft is in the OFF position.
console by securing the lower frame with screws
b. Connect the end of the electrical harness
or bolts through the holes provided.
rear of the control indicator.
c. Slide the control indicator into the opening
2-3. Removal of Control indicator C-8157/
provided in the aircraft or radio console. Secure
the control indicator to the frame by twisting
the four Dzus fasteners in the clockwise direc-
a. Unscrew the four Dzus fasteners that mount
tion until tight.
the control indicator.
b. Withdraw the control indicator far enough
The location of the control indicator
to reach the power and control cable to the rear
within an aircraft or radio console will
of the control indicator.
be dependent on the configuration of
c. Disconnect the cable and remove the C-
that equipment. Refer to the appropri-
ate configuration manul for necessary
location information.
2 - 4 . R emoval of Mounting
2-2. Installation of Mounting
Remove the mounting by removing the screws
from the lower frame.
Location of the mounting within an air-
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